Sence of achevment :D

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Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2007
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for anyone who wants to know how to feel real proud of themselfs heres how
Take one massivly buckeled rim, one 6mm spanner and 2 hours of your time
First gently massage the spanner to the right size to fit the spoke nipples with two very large hammers
then send 2 hours adjusting spokes, spinning the wheel, adjusting the spokes again, spinning the wheel again and so on untill you have less than 3mm runout in the rim:D
Yes this is the first time ive done it
No i wont do anyone elses wheel:p
sounds like you have alot of time on your hands.
i here that
spokes suck but at least in the back of your mind you know it wont take so long next time

me personally i would rather buy a new rim already spoked but i do keep my spokes tight and thats not fun

but i like the idea of killing a 6mm spanner saves 40 odd dollars i spose
bad luck if you need a 6mm spanner the look on your face then would be pricless

he he he
lol ive got 3 sets of cheap spanners for making 'specilised' tools out of and 2 sets of good spanners.
Its alright buying new rims...if you got the money:p
dont think i've go tthe money all that much
but i'm pretty lazy when it comes to repairs like that
but hey the cheapo spanners might be a good idea in particular shaving the sides of the 13mm for my chain tensioners i might look into that