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Nov 30, 2006
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What is the best all round sprocket size or tooth count for my orion no 29 125cc. And where is can I pick them up. Anyone have any links or ideas.

hay mate, for your orion 29 go to www.elstars.com, they seem to be selling the orion agb-29 now (calling it an elstar fury) but the sproket setup i would run on this would be a 17 - 37 setup, gives you nice top end and your first gear wont be so short, this setup also makes little difference to your acceleration and should give you approximatly 10kph more top end.

Cheers, Tony.
no worries mate, glad to help :D. just make sure when ordering your sprokets to get the bolt diameter measurments and central hole diameter measurments so you know your getting the right sproket.

bolt diameter is the distance from the centre of one bolt hole to the opposite hole's centre.
i have drawn a quick diagram to illustrate what im talking about, hope it helps.


Cheers, Tony.
does this really make 1st gear longer if true how longer my friend has 1 and his ist gear is like 2 sec long
it does make it longer but not much, it doesnt really effect your acceleration so this is how it works.

1 each tooth extra on your front sproket equates to 2.17 teeth less on the back. now with the removal of another 4 teeth on the back sproket this equals 6.17 teeth which is approximatly 15% more efficient. when you think about it, this is quite a bit more but i dont know how much longer it will make his 1st, it may be like 2.6 seconds but not much more than that but realistically you dont want first to be too big otherwise you will lose top end acceleration.

Cheers, Tony.
That's gold, i've talked to the bloke at the Coff's Harbour store and he's going have a look tomorrow and see what he's got in stock. He thinks he's got them in stock, if so he'll send it up tomorrow. Cheers for the tip on the measurement thing I wouldn't have known how to explain that to him. Legend

Thanks again
Nice way off explaining the measurements, do u lose much bottom end with the 17/37. im currently got a 16/48 its needs to be changed as it revs a bit too hard, but i don't wanna lose the grunt too much.
not really. i doubt you will notice it to be honest as these bikes have some fierce accereration to begin with. this is a mod that needed to be done anyway as the out of the crate setup is silly. if you need, try a 17 - 41 setup and see how that goes for you, if its still to your dislike get a 37 rear and she would be sweet.

Cheers, Tony.
we just swaped over gearing on one of the boys 125cc pitpro bikes from the stock 14 - 37 to the 17 - 37 and the difference is well worth the $10 spent on the front cog, now the boys can use 1st gear abit more and as bones mentioned top speed is better.