start in any gear ??

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Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2006
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i just wanted to know whats the deal with these bikes that start in any gear i have a pitpro110 all i do is put it in neutral kick start it then put it in first an im off
so how do you start these 125's an 138's??

im interested cause im bidding on a 138 :D
the good thing about it is no need to find nuteral just pull clutch in and kick and it will allow you to fit inner rotor saftly as clutch is on main shaft as opposed to crank.
Start in any gear is great when your racing because you dont have to find N , just pull the clutch and kick it over and your off again.



Let me just say that once you go to the start in any gear engine then you'll never go back...
yeh i rode my friends bike and when you stall it (hehe) you have to find netural, wich is a paint because on some china bikes 1d3u its hard to hit it in a hurry
i have those engines that wont start in any gear but u can just kick it while its in gear and at the right time put the clutch in and it will start in any gear, mastered this way seein my gears are chattin up
yes... but its not a start in any engine! these are harder if not impossible to fit a inner rotor kit in them, so they are pointless if you intend on going outlaw!
would the pitpro138 be start in any gear engine??
affirmative divy. ( sorry but ive been playing with my cb radio and have got into the habbit of answering questions with military responses, Over and out,,,,shhhh......