Tailem Bend SA (anyone know the guy)

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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2007
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Does anyone know a phone number for the guy who has the track out at Tailem Bend SA???

He has recently opened the track up!

Any info would be great, Thanks
Dont know the number but ANOTHER track open?? Sounds good! :D
hey, im not sure of the number but im going up there next week (hopefully) with a mate who knows the guy! apparently theres 20 foot tabletops and heaps of dubles and trials and stuff! i cant wait!!!
Well i found the guy today, and just got back from there 30 mins ago!

Its on the road to the Dump, big sign on the left, cant miss it!

The track is terrible and unridable, so sandy its a joke, and completely covered in rocks, millions and millions of them!!!!!! did i mention there was ROCKS lol!!!!

For anyone whos still interested its $10 per bike half day or $20 full day.

Yes there is 20ft table top etc, but the amount of rocks just make it impossible the ride it.

Cheers Fellas,

If anyone knows any other places to ride PM me please
Hey Mittz

Iam still riding my bike i built last year, i sold it last week, just waiting for payment for it!

Anyone have any private tracks they wanna invite us on???? :D
im going out riding today at my cusins place, they dont actualy live there but they own the land! its about 80 acres and im gonna try and get a track going there eventualy eg. once i get my P's (march 19th) and once i learn to drive their tractor! i might see if i can get a few guys out there one day!

its in the barossa valley and theres a big hill which is fun to ride up, but theres lots of moss rocks to but i will clear an area eventualy!