This is what happens when you Jump and Atomik....

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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2011
Reaction score
Sunshine Coast, Australia
Went to Parklands @ Kenilworth for a quiet weekday ride...
Spent the day on the smaller Big bike track...
Slowly built up all day and was clearing all the jumps, Feeling confident with no sketchy landings or anything, but didnt really consider the bike may implode on me on the take off of a jump...Blew out both front and rear suspension somehow just on the upramp, and ejected me over the bars..
Luckily, just ended up with grazes and some internal injurys to the stomach...and an arvo in the hospital.

Whats the moral of the story?
1. If you are going to be a tight arse and buy an Atomik, dont try and jump it.
2. Dont be a tight arse and just go get yourself some protective gear...

Things I already knew, but I like to test these theories for myself.....ha ha...
Damn, it was fun while it lasted though!!!


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Nice riding gear. May aswell just dropped ya tackle in the sprocket if your that keen to feel pain.
Yep... I get a bit too excited sometimes I think....I was wearing gloves, helmet (of course), jersey elbow and knee guards... but they flew off somewhere... was pretty lucky not to do any serious damage i think...
Pretty much was the most fun ive ever had on a bike though! Keen as to give it another go when Im set up properly!!!
Dude , did you get it on film ffs if not

bahabahabahabaha sorry but hahahahaha
Atomik is actually not too bad... was gonna upgrade forks and rear shock anyway.. just got a bent subframe and torn seat... Had the levers all perched on plumbers tape, so they just spun on the bars which were pushed back...
I think both me and the bike were lucky considering the height and speed involved.. was third pinned on the 160 so was definitely moving.... Wish I had it on video! Although would probably turn me off giving it another bash someday, so probably best I dont relive it! ha ha....


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suspension looks ok you sure you didnt just screw up and your blaming the bike,never heard of suspension blowing out on the up ramp.and what was the landing road base,you dont get those type of injuries on dirt

naahhhh just kidin you rock
suspension looks ok you sure you didnt just screw up and your blaming the bike,never heard of suspension blowing out on the up ramp.and what was the landing road base,you dont get those type of injuries on dirt

naahhhh just kidin you rock

Well, LHS fork seal was blown out, and rear too.. but the bike had landed on the bars and seat/ rear guard during the crash... Jump before this one was about a 10m tabletop that I cleared and the bike felt OK... somehwere between landing the tabletop, going round the berm and hitting this jump, something went wrong....
A couple of guys that were watching said they had no Idea what happened, cause as soon as I hit the jump the bike just pitched over, I had no chance at all to correct anything in the air.... and Id been hitting these jumps consistently all day with no issues...

I think what happened was the rear shock snapped on the previous bigger tabletop, so I was just sitting on the spring, and when I went over the next jump, there was no rebound, so it just booted me right over the bars, and subsequently onto my face... :(

PS. Surface is very hard clay with little rocks embedded in it... looks a bit like a cheese grater....
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i was there when it happend.he was riding real good.hitting all the jumps smoothly,clearing all jumps and landing very smoothly.
the front and back suspension just blew up!!!
the bike was pushed beyond it's limits and being ching chong crap it pooped its self.
the wipout was not nice thats for sure.for a few nights when going to bed i keet seeing my mate flying in the air and then hitting the ground.
if you going to do any type of decent jumping get a japan or upgrade everything on your ching chong. and please put on riding gear!!!
im going to ride my can use the husky 2 smoker the 4 stroke killer!!!
dynamicgs. My young sprog of 13 has had an Atomik Mx70 SA for going on 2 years now and this thing has been coppinga hiding. Nothing has fallen of it or broken. The only thing that has happened is the front forks sagged but I fixed that with spacers and heavier oil. Mitchell (the sprog) and my youngest daughter of 14 now have jumped this thing over our dam and gave it one hell of a flogging. Mitch hit a calf one night and they all survived. He wears the gear and has not got hurt. Yet.....Thank god. He is a radical rider. Watches too many crusty demons vids I think. Yours look likes a BIG OUCH. I hope your ok mate.

Rgds Glenn.