what do i do about my bars?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2006
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i want my bars to sit higher so i thought id look for some bar risers but i cant find any that will go on my trees all the risers i see on web sites have two bolts that go on the trees but mine only have one so what do i do???

if i buy pro taper bars are they higher then my bars???
here is a pic of how high my bars are so will protapers be higher
protaper xr50 bends are higher than those bars but for a real high bar get renthals there the tallest bend and come in some trick colours
is there any sites on the net were i can buy protaper xr50 bars or renthals from???
can you give me the link No-Fear cause i cant find them
yeah the renthals are like 1 - 1.5 inches higher than your pro-tapers. im 6ft and i love the renthal bars. makes the ride so much nicer. go the Renthals and you wont be dissapointed.

Cheers, Tony.
yeah if the renthals are higher then the protapers ill buy them
thanks for the info guys