What happens when you forget to tighten the adjuster nut

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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2012
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i thought it was exhaust gasket leak...
as because of the noise but turns out.....

i rode around the back yard a couple of times and it still pulled pretty hard lol i thought i just had to tune it.. it turns out..
LOL, lucky you got it in time... Just check out what happened when i put mine together.. Oh well, at least we can admit to our mistakes ;)
I left the front wheel nuts loose on my bosses car when I was an apprentice, I only did it once. But the story of him in pitch black searching for wheel nuts was priceless, he wasn't please, haha
same thing hapend to a guy out at fort lytton one day on his dhz outlaw first ride after rebuilding his v2 head and lets just say he didnt get on to it streight away and a katastrophic event!
you are lucky...
same thing hapend to a guy out at fort lytton one day on his dhz outlaw first ride after rebuilding his v2 head and lets just say he didnt get on to it streight away and a katastrophic event!
you are lucky...

did you ever find out what happend to it? or did he not say (i mean did it drop a valve or did it just shred it self to bits)

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