What make is my bike?

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That is one wierd lookin bike. It looks like a twinspar frame below but the neck looks tubular and ive never seen those plastics before so all I can tell u is that its a poor quality chinese bike
i know its chinese, you saying its poor quality even for a chinese bike?
im not gonna race it or anything, it's just my little bushpig :) its 86cc 4spd clutchless if that helps?

i'd still be able to pimp it out wouldnt i??


not bad for $150?
not worth pimping if that is at all posslibe, fix it just so it runs the trash it till it falls apart (won't be long) learn from your mistake and buy a good one....
^^Agreed. Its not really worth spending too much $$$ on it coz ud be better off savin that cash for a better bike.
Argh! My eyes! My eyes! make it stop... PLEASE MAKE IT STOP!
