Where to buy BSE,MSO,MOONSOON,

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New Member
Jul 30, 2006
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Im from bundy and i am after a bse dirt bike, they sell them here for 1600 just wondering if i can get 1 cheaper elsewhere. Thanx
yep sure do MSO www.MotoSpeed.com.au they will get you the best price and i would say they will be cheaper than that. Don't forget to mention you are a member of this forum to receive a discount
I would usually tell u to look on ebay....but i had a look and i cant find any on there at the moment...u just have to wait till they come up on there.
Also you could check out www.MotoSpeed.com.au they stock MSO's for a good price!
They were going on eBay for as low as $600 .

I would wait till they get relisted
illusivedreams said:
They were going on eBay for as low as $600
It would surprise me to see them that cheap again. It was just a product of a no reserve auction with a fairly new seller with few bidders watching. Within a week he was getting close to $800 with 20+ bids on every bike. Once he got the interest he slapped his reserve of $850 back on. Seems like he's waiting for a shipment, or he's doing better off the floor. Anyway...the whole game is moving fast.
you might be waiting a long time as these bikes have become very popular as they are one of the best quality bikes for the under $1000 mark( they may never come down to $600 ). These bikes are the best base bike for build up for the price.