New minibike track...Started! :)

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Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2014
Reaction score
west coast NZ
At last, I made a start on my new track today :)

Photos aren't the best, will get some shots from the air in a few weeks when my mate with a helicopter comes back from flying overseas.

It is just a start, will take at least a year to cart all the extra soil/gravel for the jumps and berms etc.

Still a nice flat track for now! :)IMG_0148[1].JPGIMG_0150[2].JPGIMG_0152[1].JPG
Finally got a few loads of dirt on the track, if all goes to plan I should have all the dirt needed in the next 2 permitting!!
Had such a s#$T season here in NZ this year just been too wet to do anything with it, been quite depressing looking out the window and seeing the track under water all the time! haha

get all the dirt carted then it's just a matter of moving/shaping all the jumps and berms.

hopefully should be fully functional before this winter.

Track is 950m as a flat track, should be close to 1km once all the jumps,whoops etc are in place.

might even put a dragons back in yet....not sure..
The track looks nice and wide

Yep, The track is 6 metres wide for the whole length, the plan is to put 2 different options through the corners and rythem sections and try make each option the same speed to get through.
I', not gonna have any gap jumps so that any one can ride it even if they dont have much experience on a moterbike.
I will allow quad bikes but NO big bikes! 85cc 2stroke max, 150cc 4stroke max unless it is a horizontal engine.
should be hours of fun to be had once completed.
yeah, cant wait to get it done.
I'll try get some better aerial pics in the near future to give a better idea of the track layout.
My mate's helicopter has been outa action as it needed new blades $18000 USD each!!
pitbikes not the most exspensive hobby after all!! haha
god 4 more berms put in and shaped today, 20tonne in 3 & 40tonne in one, just finished raking the last 1.


some picture's are a bit hazy, it was getting dark. We're supposed to get an inch of rain tomorrow which will be good to compact/settle the dirt and harden it up.

slowly but surely...i'm getting there.:)
its a track cordogs!, I dont think it will ever be finished! haha
its got a few jumps and all corners are bermed up at this stage so still a lot of fun, just keep carting dirt whenever possible and make it better all the time...