Recent content by cass38a

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  1. cass38a

    If Time and Money were no object...

    If anybody out there still remembers me and cares I just finished the bathroom yesterday (put the vanity in). March 2007 to Feb 2009.............thats nearly 2 years to sort out something I should have done in a month of weekends.
  2. cass38a

    need help please

    Depends on how much you have ridden it in 5 months. How many hours do you recon the engine has run for?
  3. cass38a

    Help me with jobs

    Do what you enjoy. All its hard enough to plough thru 40 hours a week in a job you love let alone one you dont. The money will look after itself if you are good at your job. Before choosing your trade have a look at what the 40 year old tradesman are doing, if they are still doing it and...
  4. cass38a

    Nrl Grand Final

    And you dont get panalised for dropping the ball! In my book if you drop the ball you have made a mistake and your team should be penalised by handing over possession. I cant handle watching elite footabllers fumble the crap out of a ball on the ground then pick it up and run with it. Same...
  5. cass38a

    Nrl Grand Final

    Any sport where you get a point for missing a goal should be banned IMO.
  6. cass38a

    Snapped Crank!

    I am pretty sure you would "notice" your crank giving up within a milisecond of it happening.
  7. cass38a

    Snapped Crank!

    Another Honda Rip off, You seriousley consider this type of mower compared to the side valve (yes that is side valve like a 1920's engine) Briggs and Stratton.
  8. cass38a

    carbie tuning

    This is the crappest thread on tuning a carb I have ever seen on this forum. I have seen some very informative ones on here so if you are looking for tuning advice then ignore all of the above and search again.
  9. cass38a

    Snapped Crank!

    My lawn mower snapped the crankshaft and chucked the whole boss and blade assemby out the bottom just this morning. I should post up a picture of the crank for Cactus to keep him busy. BTW a new briggs and stratton Quattro engine is worth $240, will take a week to arrive, my lawn is only half...
  10. cass38a

    Nrl Grand Final

    Lets hope it is agolden point game, but decided with a golden try. A good punch up, plenty of big hits a spectular try or two and no bad ref decisions. Do I expect too much? If I get the above I dont care who wins
  11. cass38a

    Oil Cooler Mount

    If the problem is that you cant weld you could fabricate a bracket and attach it to your frame with 2 radatior hose clamps (heavy duty ones). If you can get the cooler mounted your engine will be better off.
  12. cass38a

    May be a dumb question but...

    There is also the KTM rip offs, they are all crap.
  13. cass38a

    DHZ 30mm mikuini carb tuning...??

    Spot on. Bigger isnt better when it comes to carbs.
  14. cass38a

    Oil Cooler Mount

    Pittmaster hit the nail on the head. Pop rivets will clap out real QUICK. you need tab with a gussett welded to the frame. When you weld it it is best if you weld ALONG the frame not ACCROSS it as it lessens the potential for the frame to crack along the weld and snap. If this dosent make...
  15. cass38a

    uh oh

    Time to weld up a cradle mount then, disaster averted