carbie tuning

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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2007
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how do you tune your carbie when there is only 2 screws on it. my pitty has "killed" 4 spark plugs in 6 months.
1 screw is Idle and the other is mixture
you find out (by trial and error normally) what jets you need and fit them
then you adjust your needle clip position and mixture screw until you get it spot on
what colour are the spark plugs ? white or black
i know this thread is slighlty old but with tuning these bikes is it basilacy the same as a 2 stroke you try and make the plug a nice tan light brown colour?
Yes , light tan is optimum. But its preety hard to get a decent reading on your plug these days due to poor fueling.

My crf50 runs good but the plug carbon's up extremely quickly. I have the mixture screw at 3 turns out and my clip is in the centre slot. I droped the needle clip down to the 2nd last slot but it ran like ****. Thing pop's abit when the throttle is backed off at high rpm but thats expected as fuel is cut off and there for lean's out. But can't seem to get rid of this excess carbon on my plug , perhaps a smaller main for my 20mm (88cc)?
This is the crappest thread on tuning a carb I have ever seen on this forum. I have seen some very informative ones on here so if you are looking for tuning advice then ignore all of the above and search again.

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