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  1. Custom

    Modifyed my bike using Michael's Head :P

    Looks like a fun time was had all round:eek:
  2. Custom

    Gearbox slipping into neutral

    Ive had this issue myself and i agree that it'll be the star cam and roller, either the roller has slipped of the cam or the cam has fallen off which may lead to the pins falling out of the shift drum ( had this happen on my CT last weekend)
  3. Custom

    cdi problems

    Just a side note on IRKs, i have had one working with the stock 'black box' CDI
  4. Custom

    South Burnet Minimotard & Pocket Rocket Track

    Thanks for showing your interest guys. The missus and myself are looking into seting up a club in the area to try and push this alittle harder and make us look alittle more official
  5. Custom

    Bike wont start

    Been busy with work and family life Snitchy, just getting a handle on things again
  6. Custom

    replacing cdi

    Its voltage control for the charging system
  7. Custom

    Bike wont start

    check the valve clearences, inlet tract leaks and what is the strengh of the spark like?
  8. Custom

    I caught my dad with my GF, what should I do?

    For some reason i was expecting a blowup doll or a dog:o Dont ask about my upbringing
  9. Custom

    help me out plz cant identify engine

    Its either a lifan or a lifan knockoff. Being a DDR i would say knockoff due to the general poor quality of their bikes (in my experiance anyway)
  10. Custom


    Wheres the "after" shot?:P
  11. Custom

    South Burnet Minimotard & Pocket Rocket Track

    Hey guys, heard a rumour recently about a track being built in the south burnet area that was canned due to lack of intrest. I have it on good authority that this track may still be completed if there is enough intrest. I dont have any details on a location or name but will be able to find out...
  12. Custom

    Suzuki A100 Info needed (Please:D)

    Gday again peoples, my recent absence has probily been noticed but i am pleased to announce im back. Anyways ive sold the Z, the prox is next on the sell list and the pocket rocket has been turned into a trike. I am now the proud owner of a Suzuki A100 and i desperatly need some info on these...
  13. Custom

    How to make a 49cc dirt pocket bike faster?

    You could try fitting a watercooled pocket rocket engine to it ( somewhere in the regon of 7hp) or fit the 50.117cc kit to the engine (look on ebay) which should get you to the 4-5hp range
  14. Custom

    Bradstas' 1980 Z50J

    Ah 'tis a thing of rare beauty :D
  15. Custom

    Weird Hard To Start Problem??

    Spark plug might be failing, open the gap up to about 8x what you run at and see if it still sparks ( larger gap simulates compresion) Or the carb might have a bit of gunk floating around that was disloged during the swap over