Modifyed my bike using Michael's Head :P

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Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2007
Reaction score
Brisbane, QLd Australia
My poor bike expired, to cut a long story short Michael had an off infront of me. He fell/slid/flew right, right into line of my front wheel. Not fun!!!





no good man, hope your mates heads alright!
hey didnt you buy that frame of unit_mx??? that will come in handy haha
Nicely done
Too bad its not on video.

Would make a great edition to my broken frames thread if I could find where it went.
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wow pete dammm man thats wild ,, so every body ok , good to hear , ah well just in time for that new frame you got
not sure if i'm going to use new frame, was going to make a dirt bike out of that one. I have a few other frames the same - we'll see how i go.

If i had that on vid, it'd make an EPIC youtube vid!!!

As for speed, i'd say no more than 40km per hour, was full noise in third gear coming out of corner.

Once Michael logs on i'll find out how he feels, I have a large bruse coming out on the top part of my right sholder. Also I think my helmet is past it's useby date now. :D
DOH!!.................boom crash tink tink tink................ooouch

ya must of hit him hard or did the bike end to end a few times

or dont you remember????
don't remember too many details

1. Michael's going down
2. going to hit him
4. Weird feeling that the handle bars sliped in the handle bar clamps
5. Oouchies...
I remember lowsiding and thinking hey this ain't so bad..BANG in the back of the head. Ooooooh that was a big hit.

Feeling far better than I had expected.
glad you boys are ok ,, hows the helmet squeebs time for a new 1??
what do you expect alloy chine frame and poped right off at the head tube

your bloody lucky you broke nothing else...i usually do it the other way around and manage to break myself and not the bike
what do you expect alloy chine frame and poped right off at the head tube

God dam i'm getting sick of this china frame is crap ********.
I've fliped, bashed, stacked, cartwheeled, abused that frame for plus 2 years, how does that make it a crap frame?

All that plus smashing into something solid, while on full brakes so hard that the rear is well off the ground. Something has to give!!!
well i gotta give it to you then mate yours lasted pretty mates on the other hand looked like a very similar frame to yours maybe not but he cleaned snapped it i got pics on here somewhere

and by the way i ride chinas too :p
Now I know why I hate Alu frames everybody is fine and do not look like this bike!!

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