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Mini Dirt Bikes & Pit Bikes Forum

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  1. elliotcocofishing

    BB guns/airsoft

    old thread but oh well. Make your own, they are usually a lot more powerful. This is my homemade spud gun, although I am not shooting spuds.... YouTube - Air Cannon - Shooting at doors and people excuse the gay laughter and me yelling out, extremely homo sounding so no comments about it are...
  2. elliotcocofishing

    Mini racing in Perth?

    street killing it is
  3. elliotcocofishing

    Mini racing in Perth?

    Do they hold races for pit bikes in Perth? What are the classes? Thanks
  4. elliotcocofishing

    FINALLY!!! Got a CRF!!!

    I had to pay for it and I don't have a drivers licence so how do you expect me to go and look at it you stuck up c.nt
  5. elliotcocofishing

    CRF50 Painting Parts

    Hey, I am planning on painting my frame and swingarm and touching up on a few bits. I currently have a Lime Green Five-O frame and black swingarm. I am not a huge fan of the green and the swingarm has nicks and scratches on it and looks a bit shabby. And my rear rim has quite a few scratches...
  6. elliotcocofishing

    FINALLY!!! Got a CRF!!!

    Yeah, when i went to look at it my dad was like "I thought it was a honda" haha. You like the green frame? I was thinking about painting it white or something and getting new graphics and plastics. I am having trouble with the front brakes. Has anybody else had trouble with the brakes on Zocchi...
  7. elliotcocofishing

    FINALLY!!! Got a CRF!!!

    Yeah, when i went to look at it my dad was like "I thought it was a honda" haha. You like the green frame? I was thinking about painting it white or something and getting new graphics and plastics. I am having trouble with the front brakes. Has anybody else had trouble with the brakes on Zocchi...
  8. elliotcocofishing

    FINALLY!!! Got a CRF!!!

    I also finally got my CRF50!:p It was that one on ebay.
  9. elliotcocofishing

    Fox Goggles

    Return them and look like a dick
  10. elliotcocofishing

    Why should I get a mini?

    Yeh what a little c*nt, what kind of fcking ********* would ask a question like that? omfg go and die
  11. elliotcocofishing

    perth mini tracks

    Don't hire it out, when some tard falls off you will get sued. I live in Perth and there is plenty of places to ride. Alkimos, Gnangara, Pinjar, Lancelin, Back o Beyond, Mundaring etc etc etc add me, [email protected]
  12. elliotcocofishing

    Why should I get a mini?

    full sizers it is
  13. elliotcocofishing

    Why should I get a mini?

    Why I love miniriders Hello, I like miniriders, that is all.
  14. elliotcocofishing

    gears slipping and changing by themselves !!!HELP!!!

    That bike is a fail. That's what you get for buying a 30 year old Atomik. I tell it like it is.
  15. elliotcocofishing

    Kick Start 70cc will not start!

    This applies to nearly every case of 'my bike isn't starting'. 1. Check/Clean Air Filter 2. Check/Change Oil. 3. Check Spark plug for Spark, replace if needed. 4. Check Fuel lines and fuel filter. Replace blocked lines. 5. Drain Carb and tank, fill up with fresh high octane. 6...