There is no need to convince a genuine Mini Rider to jump on a mini bike let alone buy one for $4000 !!!! To say on a mini forum that their "over rated" mate you may as well throw yourself into a cage of starving wolves and get ripped to pieces!! There is no "decent reason" as to why we ride them we just do coz we love to, there is nothing like rocking up at a track with all your mates and having a mad session on the mini's, the old push and shove on the track and roosting/laughing at someone when they get pushed on their arse is something you dont really do with the bigger bikes. The social concept is different on mini's we ride to have fun with our mates, the competiveness is still there but we tend to interact more as a social riding community no matter who you are or what background your from we can all come together and have a sick session without too much seriousness or **** factor being involved!
We choose to ride them as its a lifestyle outlet from what we do from day to day. Their affordable and just about anyone can ride/race them no one will diss you for being crap or the type of bike you have as you gotta start somewhere ! We shouldnt have to justify/convince people like you to get mini's as its people like you that give mini's a bad name for doing all the wrong things!
So get back on your big bike and have a sook to someone who shares the same opinions as you.....As you have come to the wrong place we arent Anti Mini Riding here!
Hello All,
I have never ridden a bike before, but people who ride them look cool, i must say.
I was looking at this CRF50 with 124 Takegawa and Superhead + Marzocchi and Ohlins susupension along with many other parts for $4000ono, But I just don't know if the chicks on myspace will understand how much these parts cost, and how important i will be for owning such a bike.
It's not like I am even old enough to be driving, because I am only 14.
I see lots of people dressed like the metal mulisha, and they seem to pull the chicks, so if i do the same will the girls follow me around like that?
Anyone ever had any expirience with girls? Got in there pants from owning a sweet mini?
Give me some tips on being a poser.
I love c*ck.
thats better.
thats better.
Yeh what a little c*nt, what kind of fcking ********* would ask a question like that?
omfg go and die