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  1. motodevo

    Gas tank for 2005 SSR PF2?

    Just google perimeter frame pit bike tank
  2. motodevo

    Rebuild old 90?

    Cheapest option is to bolt in a complete chinese engine. You may be able to use a chinese barrel and piston(if you find one with the same stud spacing, cylinder height, pistin deck height and piston pin size), but the ct90 has ignition points on the head (running off the cam itself) so a chinesr...
  3. motodevo

    Pitbike newbie help

    Many chinese motors had gearboxes like this, rotary gearbox.
  4. motodevo

    Stator Gasket YX 160

    Pretty sure any pitbike stator cover gasket will fit, the yx style cover mounts onto a lifan,ducar,loncin,etc. exactly the same. If not get a roll of gasket paper from an auto store and cut your own, only a few bucks and handy to be able to make gaskets when you need them rather than having to...
  5. motodevo

    Lifan 125 build

    If you have the bigger lifan "race" head. You do need to use the swap the bearings(ie use the original cams bearings), i did it a few years back on a L125.
  6. motodevo

    Lifan 125 build

    +1. You can make more power with a 125 but having a crank mounted clutch , any extra power will cause the clutch to shatter or even exit the cases. That’s why all larger capacity chinese engines have a secondary clutch rather than a crank mounted clutch. TB used to make a big bore kit for the...
  7. motodevo

    Cordogs bought a Dax

    Cool, looks like a fun way to tear up the neighbourhood........Legally
  8. motodevo

    snapped cam sprocket bolt

    Me personally , I'd ride it, just don't over tighten the other 2, a little loctite on them wouldn't hurt either as extra insurance. Whatever you do don't try to get the snapped bolt out with an easy out or stud extractor, once you snap one of those in there you wont ever drill it out. I tend to...
  9. motodevo

    Fuel pump question 125cc zongshen

    Easiest option is a go kart fuel pump. Drill and thread a barb into the intake valve cover plate(or get a valve cover fitting for a catch can) so you can run a hose for the pulse line of the pump. Did it on a go kart where the tank sat on the floor plate of the kart (tank filler was at the...
  10. motodevo

    Engine will only start if the nozzle in intake manifold is open

    Try to open the throttle a little with that hole blocked and start it. If it starts, with the air cleaner off look into the carb, if there isn't a gap at the bottom of the barrel, wind in your idle adjustment screw so there is about 1mm-2mm gap,you can block off that hole and it should run...
  11. motodevo

    Unknown mini maybe a honda? HELP!

    Has it got a VIN no. on the headstock? That'll tell you if its a honda or not. There looks to be a mix of chinese and original honda parts. The tank looks chinese (and the breather cap used as a fuel cap is definitely not honda!). The bars, switchgear and bar clamp look chinese, so does the...
  12. motodevo


    Looks like led strip lighting on the wheels with a battery sitting in the centre of the wheel/hub. Ain't gunna last long, will be unbalanced at speed. Seems like it's a mod done for **** factor alone. The 3rd photo is just more led strip lighting and a battery but will probably last more than 1...
  13. motodevo


    Probably only fouled the sparkplug, I would take off the tank, put in a litre of fresh fuel and give it a good shake, drain and repeat. Then put it back on the bike, connect up the fuel line, open the fuel petc0ck then undo the drain screw on the carb and let a litre or two of "clean" fuel drain...
  14. motodevo

    Zongschen 140 wasted spark?

    It fires every revolution of the crank/wasted spark
  15. motodevo

    Just got a 1974 Suzuki RV125

    Be careful/investigate it before you do it. Most 70s Suzukis 2 strokes had CCI meaning they fed oil to the crank bearings AND the carb seperately (2 lines from the pump) as the bearings weren't lubricated by the fuel mixture.