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  1. !bmth!

    You Know What Really Grinds My Gears?

    and at me aaahhhh i scared as **** for my bike lol and all my jumps will be ruined :( categry 4 on thursday hopefully not another larry hey largey
  2. !bmth!

    motor not starting.

    hey its great that you know whats right for your son but get back to the bike have you got it working yet and have you tried filddling with the mixture screw if your up in high altitude place should be 1 1/4 turns down on the coast its about 1 1/2 turns
  3. !bmth!

    You Know What Really Grinds My Gears?

    when you get a few good days riding then you go an break something and it takes ages to get that simple part and up them self people that think they are better than everyone else
  4. !bmth!

    Applying Graphics Kit

    alot of people on here use the soapy water method it allows you to move the stickers around before fully putting them on but all the water needs to be removed from under the stickers or it will bubble, but like the otherguys have said sign writers would be the best people to fit them if you...
  5. !bmth!

    mega awesome bike for sale

    thats pretty cool but it looks a bit rusty lol
  6. !bmth!

    just a few questions about my brakes and forks

    yeh the original was just all blurted out in one go i was just asking if the brakes and forks are mean't to automatically get lubricated when used cause the brakes and forks are all squeaky when im riding lol
  7. !bmth!

    just a few questions about my brakes and forks

    there i edited it but you basically answered my question anyway
  8. !bmth!

    just a few questions about my brakes and forks

    so ok im asking some dumb questions i just want some good advice do brakes and forks get lubricated when used i though they did not much just a tiny lttle film so its runs smoothly and stop things like squeky brake sorry for any confusion :)
  9. !bmth!

    Brand New DHZ Dpro160 Not Running Well

    yeh sorry sean i meant to say clearences
  10. !bmth!

    Brand New DHZ Dpro160 Not Running Well

    yeh mate sounds to me that you need to do your valve timing there is a really good thread of here thats tell your how to do it but i cant find it ahve a look in the tutorials section its there somewhere
  11. !bmth!

    Uni Filter Split

    im not sure but could say try using wd40 thats works for everythings even my filteroil in somepoints also if you have a heat gun refitting it just warm it with a heat gun dont melt it but just so it nice an soft should fit of easy then but idk wait to see what the otherguys say
  12. !bmth!

    air filter cleaning

    explains why mine ripped off when i ripped it i just used petrol and i dont have airfilteroil so just chucked some 2 stroke engine oil on there probably wasn't the best for the foam lol
  13. !bmth!

    Newby! and New Purchase today.

    ouch man the carby cleaner would of hurt like **** i got it on my lip for about literally 30sec and my bottom and part of my top lip went numb until i cleaned it straight after
  14. !bmth!

    Your Moto Gear

    im jealous tomaszburcon not fair i want kamplosion gear lol
  15. !bmth!

    Haven Some Fun After Work

    i just cant think that poor carby probably chocked with mud and water all seeping down into the head lol
  16. !bmth!

    need help asap

    ha i wish i lived near dhz im in the middle of nowhere not literally but 10km to the nearest ****hole podank town called ravenshoe and can't think of it in km but the nearest mx shop is a 1hr drive and im still waiting for my airfilter order to come though :(
  17. !bmth!


    you can get a pitpro 125rr new $700 they a great bike according to all the proud owners
  18. !bmth!

    Pitpro 140 LE Review

    hey sorry ive been doing other stuff atm and my bike is out of action the airfilter ripped off and its taking ages for the nearest mx shop to get a fitting one should be here tomorrow or saturday ill try get a video mate but i dont know when soz
  19. !bmth!

    Gamers Thread

    every ps3 player stoked for killzone 3 and uncharted 3 also mx vs atv alive add me if you want my id is Bmth1123
  20. !bmth!


    i havent heard of the bse but im sure the other guys on here have you could also look at some motoverts ciniworx or braaaps all decent bikes but im sure you could pick up one second hand for cheap if your will to break the budget pitpro make a 125rr it meant to have a good wrap its only $700