motor not starting.

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If in doubt......Get the grinder out!!
Sep 8, 2009
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Well. Here we go again.

Motor was running fine until yesterday. I was out for a ride when it started spitting and wanting to stall at low revs. If I kept the revs up it would still try to die now and then but I could usually keep it going with some throttle work.

I pulled the carby off , took it apart and cleaned it. It looked fine. I replaced the air filter, fuel filter and also checked the spark plug. I have adjusted the valves and all seems like it should be fine.

I was able to start it briefly when I put it back together yesterday but it would not run without the choke on. I was also able to start it again today but only with the choke on. It seems like a fuel issue to me. As soon as I start turning off the choke, the idle increases and then it cuts out.

It will not start now.

Any ideas would be great.

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engines are strange things... while it seems to be a fuel issue dont rule out an electrical problem..

coils are known for weird sign's of being dead or on the way out.. they can work good when cold and break down when hot, they can also just work when cold and totally not work once hot.

basically in a situation like this its trial and error..
swap cdi's, coils and carbs with all known good working items... failing those it could be stator..

also be sure there is no cracks in the plastic manifold spacer and general vacuum leaks..
yeah mate i had a similar problem and turned out to be a split gasket seal in between the manifold and engine...
I tried the WD 40 trick but this was problematic as I couldn't keep it running long enough to really test it properly.

I have pulled most of the carby apart again and it is very clean. A while back I found a little bit of stuff clogging up the little needle attached to the floats. I cleaned this off and it was perfect for a while.

The spark looks pretty good although I am not really sure how FAT it is supposed to be. It was strong enough to give my partner a nice zap whilst I was kicking it over and the spark was jumping at least an inch to the head.

I will keep going with the carby and see if I can find anything else.

I have ordered a new CDI and will try to figure out where the problem lies. Does anyone know what sort of voltage should be present? I will use the test meter to check this.

Are there any other electrical tests I can do to rule this out. If someone knows voltages etc for different points of the electrical system that may help quite a bit.

One other question:
If I took the carby off my sons 50 cc would I be able to use this to eliminate the carby as the issue? I know it isn't designed for the 110 cc but I would imagine it should at least get the motor running to if my carb has issues.

Once again. I honestly appreciate the time people take to answer my monotonous questions. Hopefully as my knowledge grows I will be able to answer some of these questions to and give the rest of you a break.

If you us a multi meter im sure you can find some answers

I would go from the wire from the stator area (test all of them) expose the heat shrink around (make sure multi meter is on ohms) use the 2 testing thingos lol(red black) from the wire all the way to the coil just stick the other black or red on in the slot and make sure its touching the metal point inside the coil the metal if you have a clean beeeeep then it should be fine if you have a crackling and a beep that doesn't stay constant that will certainly be a problems

with the stator i don't no if you need to put some wires on the tip of the (red or black) test thing to put in the slot of the plugs from the stator but just test 1 by one if you cant be bothered

if this doesn't make sense i don't blame you lol


don't worry about the exposing the wires just take of the harness then use the plugs that went into the plugs from the stator and use a multi meter from the stator end all the way to the coil end and as i said a clean beep means good a beep that wont stay constant then you have problems

if the mods thinks this is worthless then delete my post but remember i was just trying to help!
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yeah swapping carbs should be fine.. whether you'd want to do complete carb and manifold or just carb is your choice, or do it in stages if the manifolds are the same...

the stator coils should push out around 8-12vlts with a decent kick. there is an ohms test you can do also. check the tech section for a guide as there is a really good one in there...

start ya ******* might prove useful too..just to eliminate a fuel issue in the carby... it should start and run fine while spraying in there. but dont drown it lol.

spark plug gap shouldnt give issues your having..
I had same problem and disappeared when I put new carby on not saying it ure just had same issues ay u
Great advice.

Thanks you all.

I will do some electrical tests and then get the other carby out to swap over.

I just finished totally stripping and rebuilding the carby again. I couldnt find anything worth noting in there but at least its very shiny now and I am 99% sure the problem is not the carby itself. I will swap it though, just in case.

Just a real pain in the butt. I was hoping to go riding this afternoon with my son. He went back to school today in 36 degree heat and he had to sit in a classroom at lunchtime with NO aircon.

Home schooling is beginning to look like a real option. I did some research and to cover the whole curriculum it would only be 2 hr's a day maximum. I know its off topic but I would prefer he was outdoors running, riding, swimming and being a boy rather than sitting in a hot classroom all day.

lol while home schooling has its benefits it does have an impact on a childs social skills....
Yes. I do understand the whole social skills aspect but at the end of the day he socialises a great deal outside school.

Home schooling offers the best of both worlds really.

I was never very good at socialising at school. All it really taught me was that there are a great deal of idiots I must coexist with and that I should minimise time spent with them as much as possible.

I did however have a great deal of friends outside school and most of those friendships are still very strong 20 + yr's later.

I am not sure if you have boys but I struggle with a great deal of the "rules" schools have these days.

Adults making rules for children through the eyes and understanding of adults instead of making the rules whilst trying to look through the eyes of the children. Reacting in situations as if an adult, with an adults understanding, had done what a child just did.

A rant I know.

Get back to the bike I hear you say.

O.K. I can take a hint.

meh screw social skill 2 hrs a day id love to be your son if you went through with home schooling, i mean he could always meet up with his friends outside of school
Try it for a couple of days/weeks.. He might begin to dislike it. I certainly didn't like school or the people. I know many people and can talk to them confortably but I wouldn't go as far as calling them friends. I don't have friends. Besides MR :eek:....

Back to the bike... IDK... Cactus will come along with the electrical answers..
Try it for a couple of days/weeks.. He might begin to dislike it. I certainly didn't like school or the people. I know many people and can talk to them comfortably but I wouldn't go as far as calling them friends. I don't have friends. Besides MR :eek:....

Back to the bike... IDK... Cactus will come along with the electrical answers..

Yes. We will probably give it a go for second term. I have helped out at his school several times and being the maths head I am I couldn't believe how little they actually covered in a maths lesson. It was really sad. Maybe a couple of work sheets. No more than 10 minutes worth of work.

Why keep the kids there all day when they could be off becoming people of value, figuring out what they want to do for the rest of their lives and getting a balanced education?

I know. A very simplistic view. I have now had a couple of reds and I have climbed onto my very tall horse called " righteousness ". NSW Education department, STOP DESTROYING OUR CHILDREN. They don't need to conform just yet. Hopefully they never need to conform. Hopefully they find a path that suits and excel in their chosen field. Hopefully, they will not work 9 - 5 and therefore do not need to be conditioned to this for the greater part of their youth.

Sorry. My glass is empty.

hey its great that you know whats right for your son but get back to the bike have you got it working yet and have you tried filddling with the mixture screw if your up in high altitude place should be 1 1/4 turns down on the coast its about 1 1/2 turns

Thank you for the grounding.

A little too late to be revving now.

I have a few meetings tomorrow so I will update with more bike info when I finish with the money makers.

off the bike topic back to the school topic lol

i hated school in yr 10, wanted to leave on an apprenticeship.. but found alot of people arnt intrested unless you have a license... i diddnt... tried this schooling called corospondance (some people know it some dont have a clue what it is lol)
but it was like school on the net.. with teachers you have internet confrences with and ****..
suposably 2 hours a day ****.. well at first i was like awesome
anywho over the first 3 months i handed in maybe 5 peices of completed work..
its sucked balls.
went back to my old school for the remainder of yr 11 (my choice) and loved it.. couldnt beleive how great it was even tho i hated it the yr before..
but each to their own
Agreed Mattbombers.

He is in primary school though and these years are the best years he will know. God I wish I was six again.

Just want to offer my kids the most freedom I can. There is enough to tie you down when you grow.

Yr's 3, 4 and 5 are great years at school.

I spent half of yr 3 traveling with my family. We went on a round the world journey which took just over six months to complete. I learned a great deal more on this trip than I would have if I had stayed at school.

The freedom issue is very important to me. I have always tried to show my children that they can chose how they wish to live. As long as their choices don't knowingly cause harm to others they really should be able to do what they want. Self preservation is something we learn over time and as such we should let our children make as many mistakes as possible whilst always being there to pick up the pieces. It is always better for one to understand why they should not do something rather than just being told not to do it.

I, for one, have always had to touch to see if something was hot or cold.


Back to the motor.

I tried to start it again today. It will start occasionally with the choke on full but then it just dies.

It is starved of either fuel or air in my mind. I cant really see how though.

Fuel is getting through O.K. and I have also tried with the air filter off. I haven't had time to get into the electrics yet so I will pursue this later today.

Its almost 40 degrees and my motivation level seems to reduce by about 8 percentage points for each degree above 30. I am not very motivated to kick and kick and kick and................

My partner draws the line at me bringing bikes into the air conditioned house. She found me inside with a bike a couple of weeks ago and by her look I knew I had done something very bad indeed.
