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  1. Peter1230

    BIKE FOR YOUR BUDGET (No more which bike should i buy threads)

    i reckon that new pitster pro LXR limited edition is a top deal. Its got all the good stuff. Perfect for the racer in my opinion
  2. Peter1230

    Best come backs!!

    your mumma's so fat the everytime she turns around its her birthday!
  3. Peter1230

    rev mx build

    fair call. Its gonna be a weapon!
  4. Peter1230

    why is your account name what it is?

    1230 flows lol so im peter.
  5. Peter1230

    rev mx build

    what scares u about the billet hubs?
  6. Peter1230

    Is car motor oil ok?

    its all fine lol.. if u were to use car oil.. just make sure its mineral. not synthetic. But really.. we are talkin china motors here.. from my experience car oil has never made any of my motor run bad or not as they should. Although i will admit i use Castrol 4t stuff.. only cause i now...
  7. Peter1230

    Z50 Compliance plates

    Hey guys. I too am joining the Z50 world! I am unsure of the year model of it.. but it is old.. rusty but still a project for me. I need to know what i am looking for on the plate on the side of the bike. It is a bit scratched and numbers a a bit hard to make out. But it does mention...
  8. Peter1230

    Mini Moto Series- 2010

    i cant firgure out how to get a MA licence for fast 50s?
  9. Peter1230

    DHZ160 or X4R??

    yeh i would check it out i would go the crf70 style and beef it up with the left over cash
  10. Peter1230

    YX 140cc modifications

    NGK spark plug could be bought almost anywhere i got myn from the mower shop NGK R plug
  11. Peter1230

    which forks is best

    im only going off memory but dont KTM run WP forks??
  12. Peter1230

    Which Bike to choose? PitPro 140 bigfoot or PitPro 140SE 14-12 or DHZ OUTLAW 140

    i find 10 inchers hard to ride in soft stuff.. but yeh we are all different. I reckon 17/14 is retarded i simply cant ride them lol But yeh lets say u go with DHZ the after sales service is nearly unbeatable. you wont be dissapointed
  13. Peter1230

    Which Bike to choose? PitPro 140 bigfoot or PitPro 140SE 14-12 or DHZ OUTLAW 140

    the 140se looks pretty good.. tho personally i would go the dhz.. its dhz.. u cant go wrong!
  14. Peter1230

    R.I.P Tom "thump*140" Oswald

    far out! such a good guy helped me many times! RIP
  15. Peter1230

    Frame difference?

    yeahh its not nice! Wouldnt want it to happen again!
  16. Peter1230

    Frame difference?

    yeh give it ago.. let them know u want some serious strengthening done. Or the jump you hit will eat ur face off
  17. Peter1230

    Braaap bikes

    im with PBK I swear i have seen Braaap frames for sale in china websites.
  18. Peter1230

    Loncin Chopper Pics.

    far out the sounds of the clutch on the shifter sounds awesome!! bloody fantastic!
  19. Peter1230

    Frame difference?

    ehhh sounds a bit dodgy.
  20. Peter1230

    DHZ 140's

    its about what u prefer but crf70 does feel more spacious