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    Random Radness... post here

    Awesome Timeeh!! I wish that was a real movie!
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    How Much did you pay for your bike *OFFICAL THREAD*

    $900 for 2 2010 DHZ 160's, both are in immaculate condition. The owner tried to pull a swifty and wouldn't let me start them, then he admitted that neither of them started. At $900 I didn't really care if they didn't start so I bought them! 1 of them started after cleaning the carby out, the...
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    YX150 clunking noise

    It's probably a bit more complicated than that.. I know it seems obvious but have you checked the valve clearance? I've had a similar sound that I thought was coming from the bottom end but after setting the valves it went away
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    Brand New Bike

    ...Are you serious? Firstly - Everyone is well aware that petrol is a great source of ignition Secondly - Dipping the tip of a spark plug in petrol and lighting it creates a flame about the size of my thumb nail, no bigger than a cigarette lighter. Is that really too much for you to handle??
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    Ebay / Gumtree bargains !!!

    thanks for the heads up Tim!!
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    Brand New Bike

    Not too sure man, where abouts in Sydney are you? I've never had to take my bike to a mechanic before, just ring around and get some prices before you take it anywhere. Just be careful, there is a place near my house that charges top dollar and has a lawn mower mechanic along with a bunch of...
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    Brand New Bike

    Just to answer your question about if riding with the choke on is bad - not really, it will just fowl your plugs quickly (fowl means the tip of the spark plug gets covered in black soot and doesn't spark properly anymore) which will cause your bike to run like **** or not start at all. Usually...
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    Brand New Bike

    Oh ok, 15mins would surely be enough time... I usually just leave the choke on for a minute or two and putt around a little to warm it up. Good question! I've never used an OKO before, but can you put the choke halfway in and have it sit there? Do you get what I mean when I say the bike is...
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    Brand New Bike

    How long are you letting it warm up for? Maybe it's not ready to have the choke turned off. Also, does it run if you leave the choke half on? If so that is probably a sign that it's running too lean.
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    CRF50 Daytona DOHC tester

    that sounds so crisp and tough! awesome man!
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    How Much did you pay for your bike *OFFICAL THREAD*

    I wouldn't be so quick to pass it off - why don't you do a little research on here? These bikes are very easy to tune and great to learn on ;)
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    big wheel pit bike build aka ktm 85 killer

    Honestly dude for the amount this is going to cost you you could buy a nice yz80 etc, have a look on ebay, older ones can go for around $2,000
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    My 125 vs my friend 110... I lost. What are some inexpensive upgrades to make mine ALOTfaster?

    So wait... why did you take your exhaust and grips off??
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    I usually turn the fuel off when I'm riding back to the car or wherever to use up the left over fuel still sitting in the carb. I only do that because I never know how many weeks it will be before I ride again, and people tell me letting the fuel sit in your carby for a long time is what blocks...
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    A kid on a mini? Pffft

    that looks awesome! without sounding too silly, what exactly is it set up for? judging by the sticker on the trailer i'm guessing speedway perhaps?
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    whos the knob riding around seville?

    ...probably because rx50's are street legal?? ****ing hilarious, funniest quote of all time right there! what are you, 12??
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    almost finshed

    hey DvDRip, snitchy is agreeing with you :)
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    No compression!

    maybe you should print out some of the posts from the threads on this site so he can understand how important it really is!
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    almost finshed

    i wish you did too cause that is a ridiculous story.. anyway i think you should just leave that engine alone if your getting an 85 in 2 months. stop wasting money, stop listening to what all the shops are telling you. ..on second thoughts, do whatever you want cause i kinda get the...
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    buell...what a sad day

    aww my dads gonna be a sad chap, he loved buels!