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Mini Dirt Bikes & Pit Bikes Forum

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  1. gooba198


    heyy guys, i went riding at my friends house and now when i rev my bike it makes a rattling noise, any idea on wat i could be? hope u guys can help!
  2. gooba198

    tightening brakes

    thanks, i guess bleeding the front brakes r the way 2 go then, and go u post a thread with pic for tightening the rear brakes cuz im pretty new to this stuff??
  3. gooba198

    The wheelie thread.

    thanks heaps that helped ALOT i look forward 2 seeing 1 of ur videos aye!
  4. gooba198

    north coast riding spots

    i live in ballina which is in the far north coast near lismore and byron, does any1 no of any riding spots near my area??:confused:
  5. gooba198

    The wheelie thread.

    i cant keep my front wheel up, any tips on how i can wheelie
  6. gooba198

    tightening brakes

    hey guys can any1 tell me how to tighten my front and rear brakes????:confused: