The wheelie thread.

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Seduce dude you have a better taste for dogs than bikes :D LOL
Staffys Rule
I can show you how NOT to do one lol!
This is my mate out at the farm we ride at, we were just havving a stuff arounf when this happened :p...its perfect for pit bikes coz the track they have there is heaps tight and windy and theres a few good little jumps! and the best part about it is NO ONE ELSE RIDES THERE yeeeew!

p.s sorry about the quality..i was using my mobile!
their ya go mad man front plate dosnt sit properly cause the brake line is tight cause of the longer forks...
i cant keep my front wheel up, any tips on how i can wheelie
The best piece of advice I can offer is: Set up your basics first (ie, learn to ride before you try to pull balance point wheelies). When you are much more familiar with your bike and have a little experience behind you it should be very simple to pull it up on the tail and (eventually) learn to keep it there.

Starting off wheelieing, simply lean back a little, roll on some power in 2nd and start the front coming up, you won't need to dump or "blip" the clutch at all (may need a little punch from the suspension)... just start off with something small (maybe half a foot off the ground) and keep at it as you build your confidence. Once you get the hang of it bring it up faster and higher and as it comes up further it'll become easier and more natural (If it feels like your gonna go all the way over, shut the throttle (unless you've really stuffed up this'll be heaps) and if you are flexible enough cover the rear brake). Watch HEAPS of stunt video's!

Once you are confident on the rear wheel (this doesn't necessarily mean balance point), you can start learning to shift through the gears on the rear ;)

One more thing... Police DO NOT appreciate wheelies on the road!

(One of these days I'll get some video...)
thanks heaps that helped ALOT i look forward 2 seeing 1 of ur videos aye!