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  1. dafunk

    DNM forks and mods

    your on it nut cut will work brakes you could make a adapter plate ?
  2. dafunk

    PW80 Bar-B-Q

    this is a tricky one ! how far does the spark jump ? 8mm and full blue? flywheel located and tight? is the exhaust blocked ?
  3. dafunk

    Busting CRF 150 12" motard myth

    more psi ?
  4. dafunk

    Massive week of racing in Victoria [NOV]

    you can take my white or blue one if needed
  5. dafunk

    braaap minimotard demo this sunday 28th

    sounds like you had fun mores merrier ofcourse practise up then hit the title meets
  6. dafunk

    Mini Motard in Wollongong

    im sure bar ends will do? bbusters are way better for leaning on its a bit far for me for club days
  7. dafunk

    Busting CRF 150 12" motard myth

    so whats faster the crf sounded sweet at 194 cc thats huge ! the rm you passed was standing still ! wtf?
  8. dafunk

    KTM 85cc Motard build

    nice one ringo as always\sometimes its not the size but how ya use it
  9. dafunk

    Mini motard call out

    i ill be there!!! theres a whole thread about the 2012 aussie champs i agree the china class should be the most contested
  10. dafunk

    braaap minimotard demo this sunday 28th

    found this on another site thanks to the original poster looks like they will have some demo ikes there to flog around on ride like ya stole em heres a link Braaap. Mini Motard Come and Try Day This Sunday - SupermotoAus
  11. dafunk

    KTM 85cc Motard build

    450 550 s !!!
  12. dafunk

    DNM fork oil? + seals

    take your seal measurments to a bike shop a good shop can do it ring first fork oil is measured by hieght compressed and springs out
  13. dafunk

    KTM 85cc Motard build

    hey not too much testing and tuning !! cant have you getting to much practise
  14. dafunk

    my new moriwaki md250h

    very nice 16 should be easier to power slide than a 2smoker the motoxers 4\s tend to wear intake valves ore than pistons have fun and im sure youll do well
  15. dafunk

    KTM 85cc Motard build

    nice one ringo ive seen two strokes run backwards if timing out !! also air leaks can cause reving up [im sure you know] god im gunna have to up my game to keep up to the ktms
  16. dafunk

    KTM 85cc Motard build

    bike looking very nice stator looks a bit average but should of been working?
  17. dafunk

    KTM 85cc Motard build

    looks like your at the pointy end then?
  18. dafunk

    Massive week of racing in Victoria [NOV]

    good luck motard16 the kart cicuit is a great mini track and will be tight on the full motards im still keen but have a bit on the plate atm $$$\time short
  19. dafunk

    Highspeed Valve Springs

    im afraid if a large bore short stroke is not used then the size of the valves will be comprimised also ti being so much lighter at those rpm every gram counts and stainless is a lot heavier imho
  20. dafunk

    Highspeed Valve Springs

    my 2 cents worth we know how the longer rod reduce frictional losses using better angles but does the extra wieght of the reciprocating mass hinder high revs ? big bore short stroke , biggest\LIGHTEST valves ti and valve train alloy roller rockers ti spring caps and ti collets then use...