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  1. Stubsy

    For sale - 2007 xv250

    ITEM AND CONDITION: 2007 xv250 virago PRICE, PAYMENT METHODS AND TERMS OF SALE: 3,000 or maybe swap for a quad / 4st moto / 2 seater buggy REASON FOR SELLING: built another bike and don't ride this anymore EXTRA INFO: Has 12inch apes, hard struts, springer seat, custom exhaust...
  2. Stubsy


    yeah sorting the days off with the missus. isn't the monthly race day on the next day?
  3. Stubsy


    really? gee. I better get this freakin bike sorted out.... might have one more........
  4. Stubsy


    are you going rotn50?
  5. Stubsy

    My Mso140s

    This damn bike is fighting me every inch of the way! Got the yx160 but still chasing a case. Really wanting this thing to go so even toying with the idea of swaping the yx150 crank into the yx160 case so it will be function. Or buy a yx160 slingerless crank. At a hundred a throw would there be...
  6. Stubsy


    wanna see mountains of pics and vids! have a blast. will try make the next one if im days off. stupid nightshift
  7. Stubsy

    WTB - Right side case for yx160 / yx150

    yeah it has a slinger. thank bud. appreciate it
  8. Stubsy

    WTB - Right side case for yx160 / yx150

    WANTED: Right side case for yx160 / yx150 CONDITION: usable not too shaby PREFERRED PRICE RANGE: ah? I don't know? LOCATION: postage please EXTRA INFORMATION: CONTACT: me preferably
  9. Stubsy

    YX160 shifting problem

    just pumped that it didn't beat me. And god damn I learnt a lot about the bottom end in these machines! haha. Really not hard at all to pull down.
  10. Stubsy

    YX160 shifting problem

    and BAM! suck it *****es!!!!! ah and from no reason but my own stupidity did it take me 6 hrs to put it back together! The reason being that silly me at 10:30 last night, half asleep and with low light managed to put a cog from the out put shaft onto the input! AAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHH!!!!!!! So...
  11. Stubsy

    YX160 shifting problem

    yeah ill sort it bud! man im having dramas getting the cases back together! got mini rage! nearly threw the damn thing! haha
  12. Stubsy

    YX160 shifting problem

    cool might throw it back together try some oil and shift it. only have the lifan side case that was thrown in for transport. hope that will work haha
  13. Stubsy

    YX160 shifting problem

    Ok so I have in my possession the yx160 off carlts ( thanks dude!) and after a muck around yesterday, ie getting out of bed at 9:30 pm to split the cases haha this is what I have found. - straight up it would go only into first and to neutral. Spin the output shaft a few times or tap the...
  14. Stubsy

    Who goes to the Gym?

    awesome thanks bud
  15. Stubsy

    parts for sale brisbane

    ill take the pegs mate. pm me
  16. Stubsy

    wakeys crf 70 yx150 build

    scratch that I just found the answer haha
  17. Stubsy

    wakeys crf 70 yx150 build

    gee money bags! haha. where and how much were the as01's if you don't mind me asking?