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  1. westy465

    Anyone know any good forks for a kx 250f 2006

    not happy with the showas so you wanna buy new better forks? geeez man, got a spare 12k lying around do ya? those forks are sweeter than a diabetic in a candy store. just need to get them set up to your weight and style.
  2. westy465

    westoz mini mayhem fb page

    look up perth 50 riders. been around for yonks
  3. westy465

    Fast 50 racing again at byford

    awesome to see, but I will have to smoke you all next time.
  4. westy465

    perth mini sx

    yep they did facebook Lightweight Motorcycle Club for some pics and a vid
  5. westy465

    motovert pro, first race an this happens

    cant wait for the next out at a club day.
  6. westy465

    Should there be a Big bike of the month?

    hehe your pertty excited about your new wheels hey??
  7. westy465

    TB Crf50 Bore kit

    he could probably do it by himself in a couple of hours
  8. westy465

    TB Crf50 Bore kit

    just watch the vids on you tube and see what they use. no point buying sets if your just starting out, buy the essentials.
  9. westy465

    TB Crf50 Bore kit

    if you got the tools, give it a go, its tooo easy, one piston, one cam, great learning.
  10. westy465

    Sticky forks SOLVED

    pressure wash? stay away from that area with the cleaner. and always spray your fork leg/seal area with crc/inox after a wash to disperse the water that seeps behind the dust lip on the seal. But I would be a little suspect like the other guys said, maybe the seal is old and is starting to swell...
  11. westy465


    12 inch red baron rim?
  12. westy465

    Getting this bad boy today!

    I raced the KX250f for a couple of years. still dont think I have had a bike that has handled so well in corners.
  13. westy465

    perth mini sx

    and mitch you also forgot too mention its is also a junior AX open and they have not received enough entries to fill a gate in any of those classes either. which would be the main reason they would cancel. there is only two races for fast 50s.
  14. westy465

    perth mini sx

    tis no joke mate. when the club first announced that the event was to be held, it would have been unlikely many people would have been able to submit their forms and pass the riders evaluation, and receive their licence back in time to enter the event. the club is aware of this, and they are...
  15. westy465

    Fast 50s and Junior arena cross

    they need to have a fast 50s event on a club day to make it more accessible to riders that dont hold a senior national license. I have told them this.
  16. westy465

    crf 50 88 kit.

    yeh def go the best head you can afford from the start, much cheaper than adding it on later.
  17. westy465

    Boots fitting advice

    you want a little gap, cos your pants and socks will help fill it. plus as ^he said, if you wear knee guards. but most sizes will be determined by your foot size. you might have a gap, you might not. thats why they are adjustable. I would be more concerned about the fit around the foot and...
  18. westy465

    work boots

    yep ended up gettin the steel blues with the zippys. good choice so far anyway.
  19. westy465

    A How To / Diy repair damaged / stripped / cross-threaded bolt threads tutorial

    exelent work mate. diddnt know champion did them. if you wanna take it one step further, you can get the Heli-Coil or Re-Coil kits. expensive, but super high quality and strength.
  20. westy465

    crf50/xr100 compatability

    to my knowlege, most of the crf50/70 parts will swap over. apart from the plastics.