crf50/xr100 compatability

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Sep 22, 2012
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I'm new to the forum so thanks in advance. try not to be to long winded here. I have a bike its a crf 50 whats called a motoped it was inspired by this design
while mine isnt identical it's pretty close. long story short I love this bike way better then my first builds (two "motorized bikes"). I'm wanting to build yet anouther. this time with no mountain bike parts. pure dirt bike still crf50 build. to stay under moped laws here in VA. plus my current build gets close to 200mpg :). what im after is info on what will and wont fit off of a xr100 what id like to see happen is to use the xr100's forks wheels brakes the whole front end and same with the rear including the swingarm. I already realize i will have to modify the shock mount in the rear but im unsure if the swingarm will mount up. im also unsure if the front end steerer tube will mate up. I realize the xr100 is a little out of the range of a mini. however I've seen there where some really knowledgable ppl on this forum and I was hoping one of you pro's might have some input.
dam no one knows the answer to this? seems crf70 and xr100 fully compatible and im thinking crf50 and crf70 same thing yet no one knows the missing link... dissapointing. guess ill rely on trial and error thanks to all that viewed...
Some of us are very smart but not that smart lol, that can only be answered really if someone else has actually done it. Good luck with the build should be unique and keep us updated if ya can.
Thats fair enough couse that looks like exactly where im headed. I guess the last thing ill ask... I'm fairly confident that crf70 will take xr100 parts with little resistance. does anyone know if crf50 and crf70 parts mate well. I've done alot of reading on both and the crf50 to crf70 was a bit unclear. If anyone knows the answer to that I would be tickled to death
to my knowlege, most of the crf50/70 parts will swap over. apart from the plastics.
well if that be true crf50 should mate with xr100 couse im almost sure crf70 will cross to xr100 I'm definatly going to give it a shot plan to buy a xr100 parts bike asap I'll do some basic measurements before a purchase that hope for the best even if it takes modification I'm capable. I'll keep you guys posted on what I come up with.