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  1. westy465

    Hillz's CRF50

    lets boogie
  2. westy465

    I got Engaged!!!

    i got engaged last year, now shes planning the wedding, that takes away some of (read, nearly all) of my motocross monies. she is motorbike friendly aswell, just her priorities are in different places. congrats bro, just remember the date, and dont turn up too drunk.
  3. westy465

    FOTM Entry: August/Sept 2012

    it was a 50 back then
  4. westy465

    pitster pro 160 oil sling HELP!!

    what does it do?
  5. westy465

    PA system

    my mate has some ashton speakers in his shed and they are really good. cheap too.
  6. westy465

    PA system

    so much stuff on ebay. all budgets.
  7. westy465

    KLX110 stock engine/crank cases

    WANTED: KLX110 crank cases, or stock engine if the price is right. CONDITION: footpeg mount casting to be intact, threads good. cosmetically I couldnt give a hoopla. if its an engine, then couldnt care less unless the above requirement is met. PREFERRED PRICE RANGE: unsure of what the...
  8. westy465

    got a good earth?

    WWHAAAAAAAAAT. im laughing, not because it is funny, but because its so god damn unbelievable. I would go straight to the casino and put eveything on red.
  9. westy465

    FIX: Bike Wont Start after oil change /no compression

    yeh i had oil in my air valve once, but I just ran with it.
  10. westy465

    FIX: Bike Wont Start after oil change /no compression

    how the hell are you doing your oil changes?
  11. westy465

    FIX: Bike Wont Start after oil change /no compression

    bad advice, if you undid that big squarish cover you undid your headbolts. the last thing I would be doing is kicking it over in that position, but if it fixed whatever problem you seemed to have then good, but it makes no sense to me.
  12. westy465

    WA Riding Spots

    a 10 pack would be 5 doubles in a section
  13. westy465

    50cc Scooter project - complete noob

    600cc Yamaha Engine With A Vespa Scooter Wrapped Around It from Bikes in the Fast Lane - Daily Motorcycle News
  14. westy465

    50cc Scooter project - complete noob

    get a rego z50, or a china copy, then you can shove any moster engine in there.
  15. westy465


    haha the chinese girl in that video is called Do Wang. hahaha
  16. westy465


    its guys like us who have to make up for the slack from prudes like you.
  17. westy465

    Boyesen Ing Cover (New in box)

    because hillz is a scrooge.
  18. westy465


    getting right into the girls beach volleyball at the moment. I think it must be the team spirit. lots and lots of team spirit. on a side note, BMX is 8th,8th and 10th of august.
  19. westy465

    Need Help Re-Threading Spark Plug Hole

    helicoil do make thread repair kits, but may just probably be cheaper to get a new head.