FIX: Bike Wont Start after oil change /no compression

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iiTz CaMMs HD

Active Member
Aug 1, 2012
Reaction score
Maitland NSW
Okay, so I just took apart the parts to put the bling kit on the head of my bike....
While I had these off, I also drained the oil out ready to replace with new stuff....

I finally put it all together and went to ride, and BAM! no compression and a hissing noise.

Getting quite frustrated as you would, I hopped onto here to try and find the problem, people were saying to reset your valves etc, by all means go do that and search after you quickly try this...

Okay firstly, Undo the bottom oval casing (just above where the exhaust pipe goes in) then the big front casing and push the kicker over and see if you can see the insides move, if they do then good!

Next if oil is oozing out... let it!, I found that oil leaked into my air valve and was holding it open, let it do this for a little bit, then pop your casing back on and try and kick it, it may take a few goes.

My exhaust screw snapped off and is only held on by one nut, so this is probably what caused some of it as well.

Hopefully this helps, for me it was a simple fix, you may need to reset your valves/ change piston or spark plug.

But hopefully this helps! :grinning-smiley-003
by all means go do that and search after you quickly try this

bad advice,

if you undid that big squarish cover you undid your headbolts. the last thing I would be doing is kicking it over in that position, but if it fixed whatever problem you seemed to have then good, but it makes no sense to me.
Yeah, not kicking it over as such, just moving the kicker down.

All I was trying to say was undo that little oval cap n let the oil drain out, that may fix it.

Sorry all,
If you changed oil and lost compression I feel you need to be given some advice not giving it.
You may mislead people with your Thread.
Mate, I've worked with bike for years, first time ive encountered this problem, and this fix worked for me, I'm just putting it out there for someone else that may have the exact problem! ok?!
Hahaha, I'm just saying that this worked, so idk if anyone else got this problem, but there was oil leaking into my air valve... hahaha
Sorry to mislead you guys or confuse you in anyway
yeh i had oil in my air valve once, but I just ran with it.

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