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  1. minibikecr@zy

    Bought A New Thumpster, Any1 know if its a real thumpstar?

    that clear case looks pretty sic
  2. minibikecr@zy

    official post pics of you riding thread

    cool photos tommy_38, your kickin up some good roost in the first picture.
  3. minibikecr@zy

    holeshot pitbikes i swear you post random things to get your post count up?
  4. minibikecr@zy

    my crf108 build almost finished

    dam good job dude, thats one sexy beast.
  5. minibikecr@zy

    The next step in engines.. what will it be?

    yeh i went to the vintage motocross nationals, and they had a zero electric motorbike on show, it was half mountain bike half motorbike and could reach speeds of up to 70kms, pretty crazy.
  6. minibikecr@zy

    Tear down bike and parts COMPLETLY

    good work dude, another helpful thread. thumbs up
  7. minibikecr@zy

    Trik ciniworx!!!!!

    looks really good, very nice graphics
  8. minibikecr@zy

    Copy of the KTM 65, (SRM 110)

    haha an expansion chamber on a 4 stroke crazy stuff, love how they have worked "srm" into ktm style graphics.
  9. minibikecr@zy

    17.5 hp mini motard!

    pure madness, good job!
  10. minibikecr@zy

    non chinas 50cc-140cc

    where abouts are you, i have seen a klx 110 on trading post for $900
  11. minibikecr@zy

    Dream 50

    i would say my klx with a bbr frame, tb 143 kit, shivers, and elka shock chyea =)
  12. minibikecr@zy

    narrow minds

    yeh my klx 110 tags around with me when i go to the big bike parks, and the looks i get when i take it out for a ride is hilarious. especially when they see how good it hooks along.
  13. minibikecr@zy

    reed to ride honda for 2010

    man that would be awesome, if its true
  14. minibikecr@zy

    Few pics from this weekends ride!

    nice pics, what distance are the big bikes jumping. just the normal 75ft?
  15. minibikecr@zy

    2 stroke Exhaust dent removal

    never heard of that method, sounds like a dam good one! if i still had my cr 125 i would of defiantly tried it out.
  16. minibikecr@zy

    need big help confused?

    yes it is a 2 stroke
  17. minibikecr@zy

    Another person gets ripped off. .

    that xbox, is the funnest ebay add i'v ever seen, haha.
  18. minibikecr@zy

    Cost Of Shipping Mini Bike?

    hey mate have a look on ebay at the cheap pit bike stores, you will see some good courier services for a cheap price. just contact them and see if they will ship yours.
  19. minibikecr@zy

    Klx 110 Performance parts

    hey check this out. KLX 110 DRZ Billet Rear Swingarm Kit KLX110 DRZ SHOCK:eBay Motors (item 140340265645 end time Aug-23-09 20:43:10 PDT) if not phone around your local wreckers, and see if they have any kx60 swingarms, only thing is you will have to do a little bit of modification for it...
  20. minibikecr@zy

    if i take the battary out?

    it should not do any thing bad if you take the battery out.