Trik ciniworx!!!!!

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VCM B Grade 2013 Champion
Apr 22, 2007
Reaction score
no fixed aboud
hey crew

since i'm not riding this weekend i thought i'd spend my time working on the bike so she's ready for Wanthaggi next weekend.
so what started as a clean and service ended up as a strip down polish and finally put on my wicked new stickers and stuff.

so check it out

stipped down and polished


this is how she sits now


it's taken me over a year to decide on a sticker kit and look for this bike but i happened to stumble on this kit and just had to have it

Haven't quite finished yet i'll chuck red bling bits where the blus is atm and she's done

what do ya reckon????
Yeah Cooly the sikspak graphics were worth the wait .... if I wasn't running the hood/srh kit I'd probably follow ya with them .... better than energy or monster all day .
how do those bars feel? they look a little bit uncomfortable, really low and wide?
Lookin nice bro, the only thing that doesnt look right to me is the side plates with that sikspak sticker coz it just looks out of place to me. The rest of that kit looks wicked and overall the bike is lookin awesome.
Im guessing those bars give it more of a big bike feel which is good for those who also ride bigger bikes.
cheers crew

the bars a higher than most i'm 6'2 and have 80cm shoulder width man the wide bars are spot on for me and there the highest bend you can get in a fat bar and handle awsome under my thumbs anyway

yeah the side plates have grown on me i spent ages on where to put those bloody sticks but i'm gunna fit numbers in the amd get a fem more stickers to fill the gap

i reckon the red bling bits will set it off

i'll update when i get em
hey crew i've nearly finished the 150

here's how it sits at the moment



what do ya reckon

bling tops it of hey
picked up the graphics from wal's minibikes in shep but there closed

maybe the sikspak importers have them otherwise you will have to try get em from the usa but dont i got them cause i'd never seen em before and yeah i like my bike heaps man
nice job coolie, ive never seen them graphics before nice score there bruz
oooooh, that one's purrrrty.....
That frame is like having sex with a block of billet aluminium.... :D
Nice one coolee, red bling tops it nicely...

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