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  1. thump*140

    tdr China man???

    yeah i'd be giving western union a wide berth... paypal or nuffin... apparently TDR china are quite good to deal with though, i just wouldnt use western union for money transfers...
  2. thump*140

    Special Offer $100 Off The Last TTR Style 155Z Pit Bikes

    holy crap, nice work Russ. :) come on crew, great time to jump on one of these bikes!!! mines done a heap of hours now, so has peto's, gotta say they're brilliant for the money!!!!
  3. thump*140

    The future is HERE !!!! MUST SEE

    ha ha ha, i'll leave the Hillz climbing to Homo honda rider.. he likes climbing "Hillz".... ba ha ha ha but yeah sand dunes on a 250 thumper arent that easy..
  4. thump*140

    250cc zongshen resto (sorta)

    if it's a late 80's XR, it wont be a 650.... pics and we can tell you what it is...
  5. thump*140

    The future is HERE !!!! MUST SEE

    <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=""...
  6. thump*140

    For Those about to Rock... buying OKO Flatslides..

    nah, OKO26 on a Lifan150 should run a K#36 pilot, needle on the middle clip, and a #97 main. :)
  7. thump*140

    Help with setting up Mikuni carb on 110cc lifan???

    baseline jetting for a 110 running a 22mm mikuni should be a #20 pilot, and a #92 or #95 main jet... and before anyone starts, the #92 and #95 mikuni mains are smaller than OKO 92's and 95's....
  8. thump*140

    The future is HERE !!!! MUST SEE

    yeah it's a bit mongrel, but it will stick with Jap 250 traillies pretty easy... :) YZF LE hurricane plastics makes it 13.74% more jap... :)
  9. thump*140


    I've also found the stock front brakes on the Revmx to be pretty brutal on the dirt, twin piston set up... single finger operation, and will stand up on the front wheel on dirt with little effort.... They offer very good feel at the lever, nice and progressive in their application.... i'd say...
  10. thump*140

    The future is HERE !!!! MUST SEE

    nah, i think they just come with rec reg kits now.... i dont think god would allow Blitz's on the road.... Mine's still heaps betterer, it has some japanese in it...
  11. thump*140

    Happy B-Day Coolie!

    happy bday for yesterday homo. :)
  12. thump*140

    Aftermarket CDI info needed

    they do work to a point... the lil blue boxes, with the red LED light to show your bike is sparking isnt a bad one... They are a plug and play unit, and they will raise the rev limit a little bit, and i've found they kinda clean up the bottom end... Dont expect epic changes though...
  13. thump*140

    Crusty Demons Outlaw

    jesus christ, them's some expensive second rate bikes..... Much, much better bikes out there for much, much less mate... Welcome to Miniriders! :)
  14. thump*140

    Carby / Jetting settings for your bike.

    nope, my bad, you're right, it runs round head in the PE26... typo..
  15. thump*140

    hey im new here

    Yup. I heard TDR's are awesome bikes too, must be true... :P
  16. thump*140

    Carby / Jetting settings for your bike.

    all in the name of research sean... :) Have tried a 28mm OKO, mid range was still a tad tricky to get perfect... 28MM KOSO wiht powerjet is next, then i'm thinking PE-26 and PE-28... Curiousity may even get the better of me, and i might try the PE-24 just for the hell of it... Pity i dont...
  17. thump*140

    hey im new here

    he he Sean, nice to know all the research we've done into OKO carbs, our experience with pitbikes etc means we are full of **** cause a website says it's a "genuine" 30mm... May as well forget everything we've learnt...
  18. thump*140

    Carby / Jetting settings for your bike.

    Hey Ando, yeah SNeezy's lil bro's 140 with the PE26 Keihin is running a 36 pilot and 97 main, and Sneezy's 140 with the OKO26 is running, wait for it, 36 pilot and 97 main.... Both carbies run Keihin style pilots and mains... Not sure on the needle of the PE26, but both seem to run quite well...
  19. thump*140

    Atomik Kuda Pro

    oh yep i'm with ya... yeah that kit from Atomik would fit pretty much any bike... just a case of finding the right wires... If it was me, i'd be grabbing the KTM style bike from Cobb and Co, taking the sticker kit off, finding a replacement set cheap off ebay to keep the missus happy, and...
  20. thump*140

    Atomik Kuda Pro

    eh? the Kuda Pro should be rec reg ready.... If atomik are flogging an extra kit for the Kuda Pro, they should already have all the gear for rec reg straight out the box.... odd.. But not unlike atomik to screw people out of more money....