250cc zongshen resto (sorta)

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Jul 30, 2008
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Got given a 250cc Chinese bike the other day by a mate it's pretty banged up but still runs great

I've never really had an interest in bikes but he wants me to give it a go so he has someone to ride with on his new yz250

I should go alright with doing at as I'm pretty mechanically minded being a qualified car mechanic but enough about that.

Problem is I don't know what make/model the bike is apart from I know it's a 250cc zongshen.

I can post pictures so maybe someone can identify the bike for me unless there's another way?

My plans are

- completely strip the bike
- strengthen the welds on the frame
- repaint the frame
- freshen up the motor with a service
- rewire everything

Bits and Pieces I will need to buy (would be great if someone could help me with rough prices)

- 2 new tires
- new plastic kit and sticker kit (not sure if these are fairly universal or model specific might help if I can find out exactly what the bike is)
- new seat (again not sure if this is model specific)
- new bars
- muffler
- filters and spark plug

Probably a few other things here an there. Whatever I can get second hand I will

so please give me a hand cause god knows I'll need it :)
yeah mate, post a couple of pics of it..

and parts shouldnt be that hard to find once you know what brand it is
Problem is it's only the fram and engine ATM the plastics are gone so I'm not sure how easy it will be to identify...
turns out its a hummer 250

might be abanoning the whole thing though as i have been offered a XR650 for $1500 not sure on the year though think its a late 80s anyone know much about these
turns out its a hummer 250

might be abanoning the whole thing though as i have been offered a XR650 for $1500 not sure on the year though think its a late 80s anyone know much about these

For that price just do it. The XR's are pretty much unbreakable and require next to no maintence. You will need to spend a fair bit to get the hummer 250 1/2 as good as what the XR is.

Just remember though unless your a big bloke, the old XR's are mighty heavy. Great fun kicking one on the side of a hill. lol.
if it's a late 80's XR, it wont be a 650.... pics and we can tell you what it is...
I wasn't really told a year it was more an educated guess from looking at it definately a 650 though it's in good Nick just need a new set of plastics and the seat recovered

can u still pick up plastics and sticker kits for these?

Btw I'm 6 foot three and about 90kg so the size/weight shouldn't be a worry
If you can get an XR650 for $1,500, get it quickly. The XR's were 600's until the late 90's from memory :)

You can get plastics/stickers very easily for them. If it's an old one it may be slightly harder but they've barely changed shape in their entire lifetime so you can likely get something that's fairly close if not spot on.

Where are you located, can I have the Hummer? :D

Get some pictures up (of both bikes) and get into it!
Haha will do are the Hummers alright? Seems a bit small for me

As soon as I get the Honda home I'll get some pics I'm planning to make all the plastics black with red decals even if I need to get them done custom
where ya based at mate!? I got an 80's XL 250 roller that just needs a motor, the idea is to find a CHEAP zonger and stick that in there..
i think your bike might be a motovert. it was just on ebay and seems to have the same motor and problems.
2009 xtr motovert 250 dirtbike trail bike big weel - eBay, Trail Bikes, Motorcycles, Cars, Bikes, Boats. (end time 27-Jun-10 20:44:34 AEST)

mabey this one

ahhhh.. he worked out what his bike is..
turns out its a hummer 250

might be abanoning the whole thing though as i have been offered a XR650 for $1500 not sure on the year though think its a late 80s anyone know much about these

so that was no help.. dunno where you got the OP having problems from!?
Bike is definately a hummer ... If I was to be selling it with the problems listed how much shouldi expect keep in mind it still runs well
hey i think the xr you were talking about is the one i tryed to get my dad to buy but by the time we rang about it it had sold! D:
where bouts are ya cody!? depends what someone is willing to pay for it really.. like i said.. if ur in melb.. let me know.. but prob 3-4 hunge depending on condition.. really cant tell just by words.. you NEED pics to give some indication.. what one individual may both define as ''good condition'' maybe totally different to someone elses expectations.. so.. Pics are required :)
xr650 wasnt advertised anywhere just a private sale from a mate
sooo.. seems I stuffed up the name.. where ya based cressy?!??

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