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  1. Dave.B

    50 Stunters? or street

    i was sincerely wondering about the soldering iron, just clicked me to ask when on the subject of welding. i have no intentions of doin ****, maybe in the future ill start drawing pictures to what i mean ;)
  2. Dave.B

    50 Stunters? or street

    ha i wasnt thinkin that far ahead more just like using them as a washer. i would love to do that but i dont own a welder, i was always wondering, how strong is a soldering iron, or is it just for electrical?
  3. Dave.B

    New Chain

    well crazy atleast he wont have to worry about his chain then rich boy.
  4. Dave.B

    50 Stunters? or street

    yes i understand that, oath at first i was thinking what but yeh not i get it thanks mate...
  5. Dave.B

    50 Stunters? or street

    where do u get some pegs for the rear wheels?
  6. Dave.B

    New Brakes

    how much am i looking at for that? and would i need to weld some kind of bracket onto the swingarm?
  7. Dave.B

    New Brakes

    Ive got the chatiest brakes, no disc its like in the wheel cheap ****, seeing that tomorrow im bracing the whole frame im thinking about changing my whole brake set up to disc, is this costly?
  8. Dave.B

    What modifications are the best!?

    yeh seems pretty sweet already dude
  9. Dave.B

    Riding partners...

    sure is, quite big there too and once your inside theres noone in sight. jumps and tracks are all off the main concrete bike track that goes around. even a quarter mile straight with markings if you wanna race your mates haha
  10. Dave.B

    Riding partners...

    another spot just up from lansvale is jambo bush near the big lights, lots of tracks and jumps and no hassles whats so ever. although u are running a risk seeing that there is a sign saying no bikes. but ive never had problems.
  11. Dave.B

    Riding partners...

    sounds like a few riders in my area, i live in villawood, anyone round here we should go for a ride 1 weekend
  12. Dave.B

    What modifications are the best!?

    well i have advanced my timing, ported the head, put an irk and changed my sprockets around all at one time and it was like riding a new bike ill tell u that much
  13. Dave.B


    also i couldnt give 2 hoots about going 100o miles an hour, its just a great hobby, keeps peoples minds going and being creative which is one of the best things in life. Self accomplishment is the most rewarding thing u can do.
  14. Dave.B


    Would just like to make a post thanking people that have helped me with some of the questions i have, over the weekend i striped most of the engine, put back, learnt so much, ported, installed an irk, changed both my sprockets and all with learning everything from this website. thank you and...
  15. Dave.B

    Bit of a problem here

    sure is champ, the main thing that concerns me is the flywheel aint moving at all.
  16. Dave.B

    Bit of a problem here

    i would like to think it was that simple, his is a 4 speed auto thing, 110cc. so from it being that it makes it abit more complicated hey?
  17. Dave.B

    Bit of a problem here

    shouldnt be petrol it had close to a full tank, it will budge but thats with a huge amount of force behind it, come to think of it when it was silent whilst kicking over it didnt even have that noise that the kickstarter makes (like wheel of fortune steeze) tick tick tick times alot, hope u...
  18. Dave.B

    Bit of a problem here

    hey 2 questions coming here, 1 is my mates bike, last night he rode it to my house, throttle cable snaped so he left it here, we put a new one on today and when i tried kicking it, it was like silent, it had compression but no sound not even a puff outta the exhust, after a few tries no its like...
  19. Dave.B

    Show us your Bike Transport / Car Pics

    i got a tj magna and my bike fits in the back seat perfect, jusrt remove the bottom seat and i have a caravan back there.
  20. Dave.B

    Cylinder Head

    what if by a chance my thread inside is farked?