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Mini Dirt Bikes & Pit Bikes Forum

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  1. Dave.B

    Front End Questions

    one is changing my fork/handle bar plate, i want stronger bar clamps to the pic thats posted, would that mean changing the whole plate or just the clamps?, its just too sketchy with only 2 bolts saving me from a cart wheel, 2 is my left shock has busted a seal, pissing out oil etc, replacing the...
  2. Dave.B


    i did the same and got 3 months disqualified
  3. Dave.B

    mini ramp.....

    i skate, looks good.
  4. Dave.B

    2 dollar mod

    haha joined last night mate
  5. Dave.B

    2 dollar mod

    thank you..
  6. Dave.B

    2 dollar mod

    haha holy **** does not one person see what im seeing? god damn website must be full of monkeys then. *point count 1 so far
  7. Dave.B

    2 dollar mod

    i wasnt accusing anyone just my behalf of how much swearing because im sick of little shitheads, frustration is taking the better of me, i did not one thing wrong by posting this thread, everyone has there right to an opinion but there is no need for the extent it has gone, its fuckwits like...
  8. Dave.B

    2 dollar mod

    too much swearing, i like your location... your computer chair?? thats exactly what you ******* are you nerd
  9. Dave.B

    2 dollar mod

    woops, maybe it wasnt in words but i thought the picture was self explanitory, i didnt put nothing else on other then the mirror, the b stands for bring it little bitch haha i did nothing wrong but put input on this site whether your like it or not, ******* shitheads, you can get ******.... i...
  10. Dave.B

    2 dollar mod

    who put reflectors on? read properly first before trying to hate
  11. Dave.B

    Anyone tried this on their carby?

    i wouldnt pay for that carby thing.
  12. Dave.B

    What bike for me? PLEASE READ!

    hummers are sick they go 140kms takes your wieght great for jumps good for cruising in ghettos thats what u wanted to hear, buy your bike and let this thread die.
  13. Dave.B

    postie rego/thoughts

    yes i do, never really went into buying a bike till now.
  14. Dave.B

    postie rego/thoughts

    while im here how much would i be looking at for blue slip and rego?
  15. Dave.B

    postie rego/thoughts

    its got everything on it, lights indicators etc, it looked like it needed a real clean up ey, but i guess it would give me something to do and to be proud of haha, it couldnt be too hard the only issue i was worried about was doing it all and rta saying nah. ill grab it and have a go. thanks for...
  16. Dave.B

    postie rego/thoughts

    not the answer i was hoping for but its something, could the engine be saved?
  17. Dave.B

    postie rego/thoughts

    my friends grandfather has a postie sitting in his backyard, has been for years actually so it needs abit of work, saying that the bike was in perfect order before that and it has just sat over the years, ive already spoken to him and his willing just to simply give it to me, im presuming that...
  18. Dave.B

    Thailand Wwoohhhooo

    thailand rules just have fun dont need no advice
  19. Dave.B

    Site Suggestions

    infact that site is alot my appealing to read etc, the reason i want this site to suceed and get back on track is that its local...
  20. Dave.B

    Site Suggestions

    Pit Bike Club - Forums ^^ alot of stickys, helpful faq steeze, thats what i meant with my first suggestion so noone asks the same questions over and over