postie rego/thoughts

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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2006
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my friends grandfather has a postie sitting in his backyard, has been for years actually so it needs abit of work, saying that the bike was in perfect order before that and it has just sat over the years, ive already spoken to him and his willing just to simply give it to me, im presuming that weather would of taken advantage of the engine and electrics? if not would it just need a good service or what, ive read that u can fit the 125 lifan engines in but with that would it be a hassle for rego? im just sick of driving and would like to build it up to rego it, another thing is im not sure if he even has any papers whats so ever with this so would that make things very difficult or what.. just need some direction here
keep the honda engine!!!!

Trust me as soon as you put in a china you have wrecked the bike.
not the answer i was hoping for but its something, could the engine be saved?
keep the engine if you ever wish to put it back in but buy a 140cc lifan or somthing if you want or if the honda is tired.
ok this in my thoughts is the way to go
get it ready for rego with the stock engine
get ur rwc
then fit a 140 file down the engine numbers on ur new 140cc and reengrave the honda 1s in that should get u set
but keep the honda motor cos there pretty cool
u will have hassles with the top engine mount fitting a china as the are out like 5mm's
either way have fun
not the answer he was looking for you cant just say keep the honda or put a lifan 140cc in because one you dont know what condition the engine is in and if it can be saved second you cant say put the 140cc in because you dont know if it can be rego'd with the larger cc engine

i dont know much about what engine is allowed but if he said the engine was a runner i guess the best thing would be to get the bike and have a good look and just see if you can get it running

if its been outside for a year or so im not sure if the weather would have damged anything but i could have rusted connectors or engine seals could have cracked from not running and beening out in the heat
Mate it's a honda postie my guess would be to just try and throw some fuel in it check the oil ,clean the plug and odds on it will fire up.I seen a step through that sat out for a couple of years and they just put fresh fuel in it and it started 3rd kick it ran fine for a while then played up but it was just crap in the carby form sitting they cleaned it out and away she went again.
If there are no papers you will need to see the RTA and get a blue slip from and inspector.Has it still go the blinkers and road going gear on it? Might pay to check the airbox too make sure nothings made a home in there and that the air filter hasn't fallen to bits.But posties are hard to kill try starting it with fresh fuel and see what happens.Do the other checks thought.
its got everything on it, lights indicators etc, it looked like it needed a real clean up ey, but i guess it would give me something to do and to be proud of haha, it couldnt be too hard the only issue i was worried about was doing it all and rta saying nah. ill grab it and have a go. thanks for the replys.
while im here how much would i be looking at for blue slip and rego?
i pay $158 year rego on my ST50, depending on your state, mates have paid from $200-$400 for blue slip and fees in different states,

Have you already got your bike license?
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yes i do, never really went into buying a bike till now.

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