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  1. Sneezy

    Psto, LXR Linkage Race bike tbv2head 155cc

    id keep it for 800 mate, there good bikes and people want everything cheap
  2. Sneezy

    Adelaide Riding anyone?

    ah ok yeha that group seems kinda pointless if its just notificaations as a lot of us arent on here much. ive met 3 other memebrs from here here and we just call each other or txt when we wanna ride, or face book events worked for all our race days in the past Kris
  3. Sneezy

    Adelaide Riding anyone?

    I didn't even know there was a group on here lol
  4. Sneezy

    Adelaide Riding anyone?

    Deacon doesn't use FB that much
  5. Sneezy

    Anyone bought a revmx 160 lately?

    go pitsterpro lxr you wont regret it
  6. Sneezy

    Morgan again?? Just got the word can we use it again, NO WORRIES!!

    might ride at mine on sat inbox if keen
  7. Sneezy

    Help with a new mini bike purchase!!!

    Hey bud, I have had pitpr, atomik, dhz and pitsterpro... and the only bike i have now is the pitsterpro LXR, after riding a rear linkage bike i ahve never gone back, my wife has a pitpro 140xr that i have a bit of a ride on every now and then, but the rear linkage bike in my opinion ****s...
  8. Sneezy

    Morgan again?? Just got the word can we use it again, NO WORRIES!!

    Exactly bud, hence why i dont arrange ride or race days anymore lol
  9. Sneezy

    Morgan again?? Just got the word can we use it again, NO WORRIES!!

    I wouldn't bother stoozo. No matter what ya say someone will come back with a smart as comment. Not worth ya time really. Most people on here are all talk
  10. Sneezy

    Morgan again?? Just got the word can we use it again, NO WORRIES!!

    Lol we had epic places to ride but everyone's a tight ass and don't wanna pay
  11. Sneezy

    Morgan again?? Just got the word can we use it again, NO WORRIES!!

    Ps riding in the muds the best ;)
  12. Sneezy

    Morgan again?? Just got the word can we use it again, NO WORRIES!!

    Hahahahaha this ended up being a good read and a laugh lol Hence why I don't so ride or race days anymore coz people are **** lol. Like j said before I have about 6-8 mates with minis. We just ride whenever we want. And they just ask to ride and bam just rock up. That's what it's about...
  13. Sneezy

    Morgan again?? Just got the word can we use it again, NO WORRIES!!

    yeha i recon my joint will be too wet also, still havent checked but it s been raining constantly at ours over last few days
  14. Sneezy

    Morgan again?? Just got the word can we use it again, NO WORRIES!!

    Yeha not too sure, i havent been oput there for a while, i mowed it about 2 weeks ago, i dont get home each night till 645 so too dark to sus, ill trya and look soon and see what its like, its good dirt, but can be very slippery when wet, but good fun
  15. Sneezy

    Morgan again?? Just got the word can we use it again, NO WORRIES!!

    Should try port gawler, Jams is crap, i refuse to got here as the tracks are ****, more sand there than port g and is run by people that have no idea.. Just sayin lol
  16. Sneezy

    Morgan again?? Just got the word can we use it again, NO WORRIES!!

    Yeah was thinking of arranging a ride day at mine soon, just gotta go out the back and see what the tracks like really, i know a few are keen to always ride so will see how we go, dont want to many poeple at mine, and very cautious on who i let come over so will see how we go Kris
  17. Sneezy

    Morgan again?? Just got the word can we use it again, NO WORRIES!!

    As id, i could never get bored riding witht he same mates, always a good laugh lol :)
  18. Sneezy

    Morgan again?? Just got the word can we use it again, NO WORRIES!!

    i put a post up here agggges ago, arranging a ride day and no one was keen, everyone was welcome to stay at mine etc, i had about 8 guys but no one from here apart from the usual 4 that ride at mine
  19. Sneezy

    Morgan again?? Just got the word can we use it again, NO WORRIES!!

    Yeah its deff to far, when i live so close to tracks all around my place, i ahhve a mini track, and i have ramps, so why would i drive all that way to ride up there? i would offer for people to come ride at mine, but last time everyone complained my joint was too far haha so yeah nah
  20. Sneezy

    Morgan again?? Just got the word can we use it again, NO WORRIES!!

    Little too far fo us bud, if ya have anyhting closer to adelaide i know a few of us may be keen