Adelaide Riding anyone?

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Jun 6, 2014
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Hey everyone just wondering if you guys were interested in having a day of riding anywhere in Adelaide? Port Gawler is excellent for both pit bikes and full sized bikes and has like.. 4 tracks I think? $20 a day for a kid and $40 for an adult? Don't like riding with myself so if anyone wants to organise I day feel free to comment, might even be able to organise a whole group for the day! :)
Hey everyone just wondering if you guys were interested in having a day of riding anywhere in Adelaide? Port Gawler is excellent for both pit bikes and full sized bikes and has like.. 4 tracks I think? $20 a day for a kid and $40 for an adult? Don't like riding with myself so if anyone wants to organise I day feel free to comment, might even be able to organise a whole group for the day! :)

We're trying mate!! Have you got your own bike transport??

This was the last organised ride read through that!! Was a good time :thumbup:

SA Ride day March 2014 - Organsied by Stoozo (miniriders SA ride day coordinator)
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No worries keep your eye on the organised ride days! Craig will send you an invite to the Sa miniriders group so you'll get a message when something is coming up!

Sent from my WT19i using Tapatalk
he is already a member stu.

there are a few pending members invite's out too, Sneezy, el-mato, Deacon fmxr, rusty944, sideshow bob
you'll need to accept the invite to get the details, once we have finalised the day/place etc.
Well everyone unless we drive up north a FAIR way I don't think things are going to get any better for the forseeable future with the weather, damn glad I got up to Morgan when we did really.....damn Antarctica and its stupid record amounts of sea ice :autogun: that and the greenies banging on about global warming, I mean its as warm in Melbourne as Adelaide today....How does that make sense unless they're all just full of hot air??

Indian Ocean MSLP Analysis
well now you do, so you can accept the invite if you want
that way, if we organise a day out somewhere we can post up the details etc
Chops pays attention to ride days though....So what about next weekend anyone keen to do Jams if the weather isnt to wet?? Pt Gawler is now $40 for Adults and $25 for kids Jams is $25 per rider and $5 to camp....Either way its only 45mins up the freeway so pretty easy for me!! Chops can come the back way through Strath should only take a bit over an hour? Jams is sandy so should drain decently
Just on that whole group thing, Am I missing something with it? You cant reply or open it but just view it?

Yeah it's easy for me to head out through strath and onto callington if heading out to jams.
yeah, from what i was able to work out it is mainly for notifications etc
i couldn't reply to any either
ah ok yeha that group seems kinda pointless if its just notificaations as a lot of us arent on here much. ive met 3 other memebrs from here here and we just call each other or txt when we wanna ride, or face book events worked for all our race days in the past

ah ok yeha that group seems kinda pointless if its just notificaations as a lot of us arent on here much. ive met 3 other memebrs from here here and we just call each other or txt when we wanna ride, or face book events worked for all our race days in the past


Yeah seems to work a bit better for you than miniriders Kris!! I'm keen and you got my number so when it dries out down your way do let me know mate! Happy to help with track maintenance, its the least I'd do to get a decent ride in close to home!

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