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  1. Sneezy

    Mini racing in SA for 2013

    it would be awesome to have a few classes, its just the lack of riders that kills us. we have about 15 midsixe riders 12/14 which is great though. we will get there eventually =)
  2. Sneezy

    Mini racing in SA for 2013

    at the moment we are looking at a open class. may have enough for a male female class, but at the moment not a single one of the riders we have come out has a stocker, sorry mate
  3. Sneezy

    Mini racing in SA for 2013

    Hey guys, for those of you who dont know, we had our first SA race day in a long time 2 weeks ago at the atv state titles. Quadriders SA were that impressed with us they have asked us to join there club as a fast 50s group and join the MSA for 2013. This is saving us a lot of cash as...
  4. Sneezy

    LADYLUK's Mini chopper Build

  5. Sneezy

    Motovert pro 125 build

    looks great mate
  6. Sneezy

    MINI MEANCE MX ride day 30/9

  7. Sneezy

    New Bike Advice

    Yeah I have had nothing but trouble with dhz. Will never buy a part or bike from them again. And I am making sure every one knows of their crap service
  8. Sneezy

    New Bike Advice

    Should come to a S.A. ride day mate
  9. Sneezy

    Goosey's Atomik Nitrous Daytona 150 Build

    hey mate add us on facebook we in S.A. too mini menace MX
  10. Sneezy

    MINI MEANCE MX ride day 30/9

    Hey everyone upcoming ride day in sa get keen BRAAAAP Cheers Kris
  11. Sneezy

    Deacons LXR build.

    yeah i want a pc pipe so bad lol
  12. Sneezy

    SA race day pics and follow up

    yeah its easier to have just open class as no ones here rides stockas really. all mid size
  13. Sneezy

    SA race day pics and follow up

    Hey Guys We had our first ever race day on sunday the 26th of August. We were a support race for the ATV MX state titles at Harrogate Acusa park. It had been raining all week and track in some spots it was sludgy as so made it a little fun ;) We had a practice of 3 laps in the...
  14. Sneezy

    out back at pt G

    lol yeah tjats me mate.. yeah the back of port g ia great. we go there all the time. we arrange race days ride days and everything.
  15. Sneezy

    out back at pt G

    hey mate add mini menace mx on facebook ;)
  16. Sneezy

    FS pitbike carrier

    i noticed ya in sa???? you should come to our ride days
  17. Sneezy

    Thanks DHZ and Ken

    Bit of an update. Dhz have not wanted anything to do with it. Will make sure people are warnned to go else wear from now on Oh and i got a gpx kick start lever from them a few weeks ago that wasnt even it a package and had been used. Totally useless
  18. Sneezy

    Thanks DHZ and Ken

    Yeah but kens been great in the past been sooo happy until now
  19. Sneezy

    Thanks DHZ and Ken

    Yeah but when it comes to them sending a faulty product they dont want a bar of it
  20. Sneezy

    brand new pitster motor popping into neutral

    Well i took it for a ride today and was fine. But just doeant seem right. Only popping out off 4th. Going to beutral then whwn u kick kever goes back into gear... weird thats all