Goosey's Atomik Nitrous Daytona 150 Build

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2011
Reaction score
Kangarilla, South Australia
Hi guy thought I'd just share what ive been up to. So I just recently purchased a daytona 150 and started ripping my bike down to prep it. Then I got carried away and begun painting stuff. lol
Its mainly just stock atomik stuff but it does the job, man the things I could do with some cash:(
Pictures make most of the story.



Will update in a couple of weeks as ill be going up north for a while and when I get back my engine will have arrived.
Doin a good job man. Keen to see some more pics.
Looks like a decent sized project you got there. Looks good! Like Honda18 said keep us updated.
so im back now and installed the new engine, cdi was still from the yx though and did not work, so down to the store to get a compatible one. Started it up and dam it sounds nice, so much better then the yx160 and it hasn't even been tuned yet, and also only has a molk carb, but sill very snappy considering.. Haven't ridden it yet still a bit of work to go, wiring needs soldering and then water proofing, key ignition needs to be fixed some where and then everything else to be thrown back on. Here it is at the moment.
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The Daytona's second hand i'm guessing from what i can see in the pics. How much did you end up picking it up for if you dont mind me asking.
Well its all going now and back together, will get some pics up tomorrow.
The Daytona was definitely worth while, theres just no comparison between the yx and this. I have to be much more careful with the throttle now cause it pops wheelies on me unexpectedly, lol. Will have to look into some safety gear soon otherwise I might end hurting myself haha.
hey mate add us on facebook we in S.A. too

mini menace MX
Would like Sneezy, I'd have to sign up to Facebook first though. Will try tonight but if my internet is to slow then will have to wait sorry. Dam telstra:(
Here's some final photo's of the beast. Would like to get a video up shortly as well but will need to wait until my downloads are back.


Future upgrades:
keihen pe28
GPX rear shock (or something similar)
GPX black label front forks
rear tyre for sure
protaper bars and grips.

But that will have to wait until I get a full time job. next year hopefully!

edit: oh and also a new seat.
Looks good mate, is it tuned all sweet with the snorkel on it! I reckon a dnm rear shock would be better than gpx and holy hell some new rubber on the back before anything else for sure.
Looks good mate, is it tuned all sweet with the snorkel on it! I reckon a dnm rear shock would be better than gpx and holy hell some new rubber on the back before anything else for sure

lol, that tyre wore down so quick, and I haven't looked into shocks that much yet, it depends on bang for buck really. Just tuned it today actually and it is just a tad on the rich side cause I heard that it is healthier for your engine that way and I also tried it with and without the snorkel and no difference so that was good.

Buy a stocker goosey, i live in mclaren vale, we can build up a sweet stocker track at mine if you do!
Sounds like a lot of fun bilco but I can't afford one at the moment and my neighbours have just gone to china so have even more places to ride while there not here. lol
pulled the covers off today on behalf of inspecting kick starter and while they were off I thought I'd make em pretty.



Just used a wire bush thing on the angle grinder, finished with a polish.
Damn good job on the polish mate it looks sand blasted its that clean, does the snorkel allow thecarby to get sufficient air to start the bike okay, does it bog anywere thru the rev range with it,
Well not really, still got the wrong jets at the moment and is running rich and bogs down at wot, but if I lean it I can reach wot fine although the bottom end is pretty crap if I do that.
Ok then rotten finally got off me arse and tuned it, turns out the jets were fine after all, that snorkel was actually restricting the air flow, it worked fine on my yx160 but this daytona can produce so many more revs that it is too air thirsty for it, so now a uni filter is on. I liked the look of the snorkel:(
LOTS of pictures!!!





But now here's my problem, I already knew they would not fit straight on so I contacted Ken at dhz before I purchased them and got him to send out a crf70 head stem with em. At no extra charge (thanks a million ken) he sent it out, nut I don't know how to remove the head stem which was left in the triple clamp. Anyone know how to remove it?

yeah goosey the snorkels can be good sometimes on certain applications its not functional, glad ya sorted it before changing to much, the headstem can be removed by using a hammer and giving it some good hits but lately ive been using a press and is a lot easier and no effort at all, but you still need to be careful and set it up properly before pressing. And the parts look great dude
Goosey's Build

Yeah a press is the better option, go to a machining shop I reckon, using a hammer could just lead to some very angry words and something broken it should only cost maybe twenty bucks or you could just use the clamps you have that's what I ended up doing then used the triples on my other bike.

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