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  1. topguntravis

    This Weekend 3/4 July.

    Ok so I'm ganna head to Franga MX Track tomorrow, i'll probly get there around 1130. A few others I've heard plan to go there as well, maybe few of the Ciniworx crew. Hope to see a few Miniriders there. Say hi, look at my avatar above and I'll look like that - red fox gear on a CXZ175 Trav
  2. topguntravis

    Melb. Miniriders dinner/drinks. 18+ sorry

    The $ to cover the expenses also applies for the 18+ haha
  3. topguntravis

    Keeps happening and it sucks !!!!

    Here's some more learning for you, it's spelled "holeshot" There's no W lol
  4. topguntravis

    Melb. Miniriders dinner/drinks. 18+ sorry

    Sounds like a good idea. The other option could be a night here: Trail bike riding in VICTORIA, trail bikes, dirt bikes, dirt bikes australia, dirt trail bikes Someone brought this up not long ago. Could be a good end of year thing. Ride all day, get drunk, n crash in a bunkhouse lol. Once we...
  5. topguntravis

    has anyone ever seen this tag before???

    whats the drinks/dinner night foolsp33d?
  6. topguntravis

    has anyone ever seen this tag before???

    Wow, in 2 days I've discovered 2 admins/mods that live right near me! And why haven't I seen yas at the Ride Days?
  7. topguntravis

    has anyone ever seen this tag before???

    you live in Templestowe? "Tempy"?
  8. topguntravis

    calling all photoshoppers

    :bump::bump::bump: Ok so thought I'd bring this back to Coolie's attention. How bout bringing a few of the cards to our Ride Days and getting them out to the MX clubs n tracks... put a link to the Victorian Miniriders facebook page to on it so people can view upcoming Rides, etc...
  9. topguntravis

    The Miniriders Experience is here!

    Ok so found a quick little thing. Click the little paper and star icon next to your username in a post to view more. You can also check your ranking, etc. To add rep you click the little icon on the right side next to (permalink), its like a little star medal. Try it on me :P If your not sure...
  10. topguntravis

    This Weekend 3/4 July.

    and you complain about having to drive far for a track :P
  11. topguntravis

    The Miniriders Experience is here!

    Orange bar is amount of Points and your Level. Green bar is your Activity on the site as a percentage. Dunno what else I can say. I_THUMP is the man to ask for more detail
  12. topguntravis

    This Weekend 3/4 July.

    So lucky to have your own track! Yeh the ride days are good but the big ones monthly. I like to ride every weekend if I can so I'll be making a post like this every week to try get at least a few on the odd weekend.
  13. topguntravis

    This Weekend 3/4 July.

    Hey crew, Just wondering what people's riding plans are for this weekend? I'm thinking I'll head to Broady for a ride, most likely Sunday coz weather forecast is better. Good to ride with other pitties so just sussing ya plans. :beerchug:
  14. topguntravis

    The Miniriders Experience is here!

    Pretty cool I reckon. However seems it can be exploited easily. For Example I could go make 100 threads about nothing and spam em just to earn more points...So it has the potential to clutter the site. But I'm sure no one here is that sort of ****** :P I like!
  15. topguntravis

    good or bad?

    Ciniworx CXZ175 for the win!
  16. topguntravis

    air filter cleaning

    Keep it simple and buy air filter cleaner and oil. I use No Toil cleaner and oil. Think it cost me about $25 for the cleaner, oil and rim grease. Also Biodegradable so i'm doing my bit for the environment haha It last AGES too!
  17. topguntravis

    250cc zongshen resto (sorta)

    holy crap lol! frame looks like might be a 70 of some sort maybe? never seen anything like it :p
  18. topguntravis

    DHZ Outlaw 140 Freshly Bought. HELP!

    Exactly what Sean said. you bought the bike boxed therefore no one has tuned your bike in any way, it is up to you to do that if you buy a bike boxed...Also why they are priced cheaper as it takes a few hours to do it all properly :p
  19. topguntravis

    Next months ride day

    just rang then and the track is open today, lady said the tracks "absolutely beautiful" and said they will be open tomorrow... weather is meant to improve tomorrow so fingers crossed.
  20. topguntravis


    My aim is to have enough rep so my link in my signature becomes a hyperlink not just text lol +rep for you for giving me rep :p