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Well-Known Member
May 24, 2010
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thinking of just ditching my jap bike and just spending that money on getting a ciniworx cxz175 and making that into a beast as i am now aware i enjoy riding mini's more than big jap bikes due to having limited access to big tracks but having access to lots of pitbike tracks.
and i simply just find pitty's more fun to rip around on:beerchug:
bad idea imo, because now you'll probs get raped by all your mates on bigger jap bikes but i agree, minis are hella fun and i have thought about giving up japs for minis :p
yeh ditch your big jap bike and but a honda crf 50! best thing youll ever do.
or if you want to go to the dark side buy one of them new rmx ttr bikes there saweeet
yeh ditch your big jap bike and but a honda crf 50! best thing youll ever do.
or if you want to go to the dark side buy one of them new rmx ttr bikes there saweeet

So true man, wait a month or so and get the RMX 175
revmx are already out and nearly sold out hence the reason russ has a special on the remaining shipment is due in about 5 weeks i think

so if ya want a revmx dont fook around
nah i wont get raped by the big jap bikes, i've taken my current chinga bike to my mate's track and ended fighting off their attempted rape as i managed to stay in front most of the time ( i did however get raped on the straights) corner speed is where its at for me:)

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