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Mini Dirt Bikes & Pit Bikes Forum

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  1. motodevo

    New bike

    Don't lube it just throw it in the bin and buy a decent brand (DID,RK,EK,etc) chain and lube that instead. Stock chinese chains will stretch in a strong wind. If you don't swap it out adjust it everytime you stop the bike, nothing worse than having to buy a new stator for your hours old bike...
  2. motodevo

    help me choose this pitbike? (ASAP!)

    If you're wanting a 125 its maybe a little high pricewise but if everything works as it should its not a bad buy. If you want to buy it and make it faster, spend a little bit more for a higher capacity bike and save yourself a bit of cash and alot of work in the long run. Theres a bit of a price...
  3. motodevo

    Famous movie Quotes

    2 of my favourite aussie movies, mad max and running on empty. Here's a few: “That’s what I love about these high school girls, man. I get older, they stay the same age.” "And don't you try touching her breasts." "My Grandmother always used to say "why buy the cow, when you can get the...
  4. motodevo

    gpx 125 valve springs and roller cam

    Or save yourself the hassle and put a tb v2 head on it
  5. motodevo

    Gpx 125cc mods

    Only if the ratio of the roller rocker matches the stock rocker exactly
  6. motodevo

    General engine Mods/ upgrades

    Any primary clutch engine will grenade the clutch quickly if held at high revs for prolonged periods. Altering gearing to suit your riding style can help keep you from revving the ring out of your bike regularly The mods listed a good value ways of gaining a bit extra for minimal cash. I don't...
  7. motodevo

    Motor problems

    New plug first (epecially if its the chinese one it came with) even if it sparks outside the engine doesn't mean it will under compression. If it still doesn't fire you can eliminate spark as a problem, spray some aerostart into the carb while holding it open and then let go and kick it over, if...
  8. motodevo

    Chiness Motorcycle 110cc

    Two posts so far and both promoting the same website, I'll be sure to take anything you say with a grain of salt. Your posts are pretty much the online equivalent of junk mail. If you seriously want to contribute to the forum, set up an introduction thread and let people know you're not a...
  9. motodevo

    Max current of Lifan 125 1P52FMI

    Unfortuantley, even though chinese motors have gotten to a point where they're fairly reliable, chinese electrics are still shyte when it comes to charging/running lights. There dont seem to be any rules to what goes what and you seem to get whatever type of stator. I like the 6 pole stators in...
  10. motodevo

    Max current of Lifan 125 1P52FMI

    There are 2 different setups used depending on your setup. If you have 2 yellows coming from the stator you need a full wave rectifier, if you have a yellow and a white wire you need a half wave rectifier. With the half wave set up the coils are earthed as mentioned above, so effictively you...
  11. motodevo

    Chiness Motorcycle 110cc

    Mate if you can get 100kph+ out of a 110cc your doing well, i wouldn't bother trying for more with that engine. Buying a bigger motor will be cheaper and more reliable than working your current engine
  12. motodevo

    My (Pitpro) Looks like a Pitstar 125?

    That's just an older lifan 125, i have a really old pitpro that has that style of lifan 125, the covers (clutch and stator ) can be switched out for newer style ones, everything inside is the same as any other lifan 125. Here's my pit pro
  13. motodevo

    1983 z50r

    Cheers Gaz, just gotta finish it. I have monkey bike A.D.D., can't focus on one long enough to finish it, got 5 monkey projects on the go at the moment. Dax seeing its mostly there if i were you I'd probably keep it simple as other have suggested. Jump on web!ke and grab a tank, repro exhaust...
  14. motodevo

    china bike 122cc dohc 4 valve project

    This is awesome. As for a perimeter frame, how about a monkey r or the skyteam copy the "munster" they were complianced here for a few years.
  15. motodevo

    Mini-quad 50cc 2 stroke to 110cc Lifan!

    This thing should be stupid fast for somethiing so small and no suspension....... LOVE IT:clap: Love the wrinkle paint, just did the covers on an engine for a z50 I'm building
  16. motodevo

    1983 z50r

    Here's one i have been playing around with, need to get my arse into gear and pull it down for paint and fit some snow hogs. It was just a frame, cheap tank and seat from webike, ebay 330 shocks, xr80 swingarm, chopped down motovert exhaust, gold AS01(?) copies I love stock zeds but this thing...
  17. motodevo

    Got A Question Or Two For Youse Monkeybiking Heroes...

    Had a bit of a read, there's probably dakar support crews that carry less gear. Didn't see a cable repair kit though.
  18. motodevo

    Alloy motovert mojo frame

    Sweet dax project, start up a thread and post some pics
  19. motodevo

    Can't Kickstart brand new SSR SR110

    Take the plug out and try kicking it over, if it feels easier then as mentioned you're just feeling the compression of it getting to top dead centre. The proper starting procedure is to get it just past TDC release the kicker and then give it a full kick, not so important on smaller pit bike...
  20. motodevo

    50 Build!

    No it's under the clutch side cover, you have to take off the cover, clutch and a gear or two held on with circlips to get to it. If you lay the motor sideways with the electrics side down you can take off the clutch cover without draining the oil, if when looking at it the kickstart shaft is...