Got A Question Or Two For Youse Monkeybiking Heroes...

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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2015
Reaction score
Coronado, CA
Alright, I gotta couple o' questions for youse experienced monkeybikers, but I can't be bothered to repeat the whole long-winded post which I made at a different site, AYE??? So I'm gonna ask ya as a personal favor to read the post I already made, which can be found at lilhonda. com in the Tech Forum, under the thread title... um, I can't recall the exact title, but it has to do with TOOL KITS & MACHETES, 10-4??? Just look up the thread and give me your honest opinions, alright??? I need to know if I'm carrying enough gear to effect repairs in the wilderness, you understand. So do me a BIG OL' SOLID & check out the post, I value your collective opinions as CRUSTY AUSTRALIAN DEMONS O' DIRT, LOL. Y'all be good, I'm crawling off to my rack for the night... :jumping-smiley-011:
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Had a bit of a read, there's probably dakar support crews that carry less gear. Didn't see a cable repair kit though.
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