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  1. motodevo

    lifan 125cc clutch problems

    Clutch cover off, check your shift star is tight, if the bolt holding the shift star on is loose it will behave similar
  2. motodevo

    110cc 3v motocross bike make and model???

    That would explain it! Only one thing for it, OFF WITH IT'S HEAD! If the timing chain snapped then you're gunna need to see whether the piston has kissed a valve/s and if so whether or not you have bent a valve or two (or 3). If the heads still good and valves are sealing it should be an easy fix
  3. motodevo

    110cc 3v motocross bike make and model???

    Maybe give the clutch an adjustment before you rip off the top end. The kicker drives through the clutch, if its slipping it will feel like it has no compression. Also make sure the valves are closing 100% by doing a valve adjustment, a valve thats not closing will give no compression. The old...
  4. motodevo

    110cc Chinese quad bike electrical problems

    Congrats, glad to hear you sorted it
  5. motodevo

    110cc Chinese quad bike electrical problems

    Solenoid sound like its def dead. Starter might be stuffed too if it can't crank over the motor under compression
  6. motodevo

    genuine thumpstar 125 gearbox probs

    They are chinese, they were the better quality chinese bikes in their day, but pretty much all use the same engines. Carb wise, dont go no bigger than a 26mm mikuni knock off for a 125 (most 125s run these anyway). I wouldn't waste any money on a lighter flywheel. Best bang for buck upgrade is a...
  7. motodevo

    110cc Chinese quad bike electrical problems

    The third pic shows the safety device, there is a strap connected to the black rubber cover, the strap is originally approx 2m long and is supposed to trail behind the quad, if your kids goes to take off on you, you pull on the strap and the rubber cover will come off tripping the kill switch...
  8. motodevo

    Bike starts and dies

    Yeah 4mm is a bit too much, should be more like 1-2mm
  9. motodevo

    Bike starts and dies

    Take your aircleaner off and make sure the carb slide is actually closing all the way, if it isn't disconnect the throttle cable from the throttle , if it then closes fully then either your cable is just a little too short or your throttle needs the cable entry adjustment wound in. If you put...
  10. motodevo

    genuine thumpstar 125 gearbox probs

    If its got a 1N234 shift pattern then its a common issue, thats why most engines are now all up (N1234). There was a improved shift star available a few years ago from the US (SDG from memory) and swapping out the shift arm spring which improved the problem. I would take the clutch cover off and...
  11. motodevo

    Bike starts and dies

    My bet is a blocked pilot jet. Clean carb and fresh fuel and always drain the float bowl when putting it away and use the fuel in the tank for the mower. Fresh fuel every ride, fuel these days goes off in weeks, especially in a plastic tank
  12. motodevo

    DHZ vs Assassin Motard wheels

    Just read about the same bearing problem on PM with the same wheels(branded as piranna wheels but same) , check out post 66. Sounds like the supplied bearings are shyte White Trash Revisited. White Honda DAX clone repowered with a Zongshen 190 5 speed - Page 4
  13. motodevo

    Daytona 190cc Anime V2.0 - Cracked crankcase

    Ouch... does she ever kick back when you try and start it. As AntNZ said improper starting technique is usually the culprit. Even with a decomp cam it needs to be at TDC before kicking. Even then it can still happen. Thats the beauty of putting 20hp through a motor platform originally designed...
  14. motodevo

    Replace Loncin 125cc with Lifan 125cc - direct swap

    Motor is a direct bolt in swap, as is any other motor designed for a pit bike. The loom should plug in and work no hassles, at worst if it doesn't, swapping the stator from the loncin to the lifan will solve that. If the loncin is elec start then get an elec start lifan, if its kick only get a...
  15. motodevo

    49cc Motors driving me up the wall

    Closest manual we will be for a crf50/70 for the engine (all chinese stuff started as a direct rip off of the honda 50). There won't be a manual from the actual manufacturer to be found unfortunately. I would just lay the bike chain side down, if you hold the clutch set screw in place with a...
  16. motodevo

    49cc Motors driving me up the wall

    Number 14 in this pic Once you have replaced it you will have to re set the clutch. Here's a vid on how to do it How to adjust Honda clutch - YouTube
  17. motodevo

    49cc Motors driving me up the wall

    Okay, so its leaking from the clutch adjustment screw/lock nut. There is an o ring on the outside of the cover for this which is probably shredded and thus leaking. It is 8 mm from memory
  18. motodevo

    Chinese 110 bogging out

    What tool? A set of feeler guages are like under $10, no excuses, any auto shop sells them. I doubt its valves though if its bogging out mid range. What has changed since it started bogging out, has it only occured since you cleaned it. Likely to be carb related. Have you changed air filter...
  19. motodevo

    49cc Motors driving me up the wall

    Mate you're gunna have to post a pic of it if you want a reply, your description is too vague and confusing
  20. motodevo

    90cc pit bike won't start PLEASE HELP

    So you have spark, if you haven't already tried a new plug then do so, have been caught out many times with a plug that was firing but was no good firing under compression. Once you know you have spark sorted, that only leaves 2 other ingredients required to run, fuel and compression. If you...