Daytona 190cc Anime V2.0 - Cracked crankcase

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Jun 18, 2008
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Daytona 190cc Anima V2.0 - Cracked crankcase

Anyone else had their V2 crankcase crack?

Iv got cracks all over the inside of the "reinforced" rhs crankcase. This is the model with auto-decomp.

Can someone direct me to the cheapest replacement?

EDIT: I know it's called Anima... :(
Can anyone tell me what causes these cases to crack? I can see the gear on the rear shaft bends a fair way and touches the crankcase and clutch cover when using the kickstarter. I thought having the revised reinforced model with autodecomp I wouldn't have this problem.



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Ouch... does she ever kick back when you try and start it. As AntNZ said improper starting technique is usually the culprit. Even with a decomp cam it needs to be at TDC before kicking. Even then it can still happen. Thats the beauty of putting 20hp through a motor platform originally designed for less than a quarter of that.
I bought it second hand and was running when I bought it so assumed it was ok. Didn't kick back on me at all and has the auto decomp so shouldn't have cracked with this reinforced crankcase I would have thought.

Anyone know where i can get a replacement side case for the 2.0 for the best price?
just have a look mate, maybe ring dhz in oz and see if they can get them otherwise heaps of options oversea's but shipping can get costly.....Tbolt usa have them for $110.50 USD, dont know what they would charge to ship to OZ though..
Hopefully found a place in UK that will sell for roughly 100 aud delivered. DHZ and Braaap said they can't get them and theres a big issue with the new motors. All their parts have been on back order from Daytona for a while.

The rear gear that the kickstarter drives has quite a bit of play and when you move the kickstarter the gear bashes into the engine case.
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Pulled it apart had far too many problems to rebuild. All at only 20 hours.

If anyone needs parts send me a message. Head and barrel good (good for zongshen 190). Some gears on gearbox ok, selector forks trashed, rod trashed piston seized on little end due to improper circlip install, Adjustable CDI good, flywheel stator and clutch good. Crank. etc
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that sucks bigtime! buying a second hand bike and coming up with scrap metal... :(
that sucks bigtime! buying a second hand bike and coming up with scrap metal... :(

I bought the motor seperately to put in another bike. Motor seemed to run fine and no visisble cracks from outside. Only sign something was wrong was after getting it into my bike I found it wouldnt drive in 4th. Got it for OK money much better than 1600 new. Iv done way more than 20 hours on the clapped out zongshen 140 that i put in it temporarily. 2500kms and still rattling away smashing groms.

Plenty of good parts left for people anyway.

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