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  1. motodevo

    Looking at future upgrades

    Just see how he goes, remember the higher a top speed you gear it for the longer it will take to get there (ie wont accelerate/rev out as fast with a higher top speed gearing)
  2. motodevo

    Looking at future upgrades

    Having fixed/kept going a couple of this style bike for mates kids, i recommend not spending another cent on it for performance, put the money instead towards a 4 stroke crf50 style pit bike, technology wise and reliability wise a 4 stroke pit bike motor is light years ahead, these are just a...
  3. motodevo

    HELP-1996 Suzuki ds80 won't start

    I Don't know about the ds80 specifically, but on alot of small bikes (like crf50s and small bore pit bikes) the kick start actually drives through the clutch, so if the clutch is slipping/not engaging at all then the piston wont move when you kick it over and it wont start. So maybe try sorting...
  4. motodevo

    TaoTao DB14 Semi auto hard to shift

    If the clutch isnt adjusted right , it will be hard to shift. This video shows how to adjust/set it. How to adjust Honda clutch - YouTube
  5. motodevo

    Bringing back my '97 Z50R

    Looks cool, clean up the plastics and a bit of vinyl on the seat, maybe a set of snow hog tyres and I'd rock that as is. Late Rs are sweet
  6. motodevo

    Bringing back my '97 Z50R

    Post some pics. With the plastics, i scrape and deep gouges out with a razor blade (hold the blade at 90° to the surface and take off thin shavings) then rub the surface with sandpaper, you're not trying to get a smooth finish with the sandpaper, more like a fuzzy tennis ball finish. Then with a...
  7. motodevo

    CT110 choke woes

    Without the airbox cover, its getting alot more air so its most likely running lean, the choke is adding fuel therefore why it runs better with it on. Two easiest options you can either retune it to suit or put it back how it was. Probably not the answer you wanted.
  8. motodevo

    Am I missing a part here?

    From looking on the net, the 4 stroke uses the same part as the 2 stroke version, probably the easiest option , whatevet you do, I'd lock wire ends of the circlip before it gets ridden again at the very least. Never been a fan of those little 2 stroke bikes and it would seem the 4 stroke version...
  9. motodevo

    Am I missing a part here?

    If you look it up, the shaft i on these is easy to replace, its not like a regular pit bike motor, the pic he has taken of the shaft is from the other side of the bike to what you would think compared to a regular pit bike. It has a clutch hanging off the left side of the motor, with a chain(in...
  10. motodevo

    Cordogs new bike family member.

    Nice rig, gotta love a 450 for instant gratification, with just a flick of the right hand you're chucking dinosaur egg sized rocks at your mates with the back tyre. Although they do have a tendancy to eat new back tyres pretty quickly(2 rides i was getting out of a tyre but i must admit i used...
  11. motodevo

    Apollo 250 starter clutch

    Obviously the sprag clutch is either not releasing(siezed or sticking) or perhaps its in the wrong way(ie releases in the opposite direction). Does the starter spin the motor when it has power? If so your sprag clutch/one way bearing is most likely stuck, if not its releasing the wrong way. Most...
  12. motodevo

    160ho clutch or g-box??

    I dont know off the top of my head(only usually replace a whole gearbox, otherwise i need to work it through all the gears to get my head around it) i usually just put the gearsets in the left case (on its side) with the shift drum and spin through the gears on the shift drum and see which one...
  13. motodevo

    Am I missing a part here?

    If you have a pit bike store locally, take it down they will find one that will fit and be able to judge how many teeth according to chain length, there are only 2 common shaft sizes used, there is a retaining washer that sits in the groove and bolts to the sprocket stopping the sprocket from...
  14. motodevo

    Daytona 125 getting noisey after oil change

    Good point, what oil are you running? Thinner oil will make it louder. But shouldn't be too much louder than usual. Take care of that motor, those daytona 125s were a really good thing, a jap quality chinese motor, but spare parts are becoming scare for them.
  15. motodevo

    Atomik link 250cc issues

    Open up your carb. Either your float valve is stuck open (not shutting off fuel), is missing (so unable to shut off fuel) or the actual float has a hole in it so its full of fuel and doesnt float.
  16. motodevo

    150 cc davon gocart just stopped and now will not even make a sound I put in new battery could you g

    Most electric starts run a relay for the starter (usuall a black plastic box slightly bigger than a matchbox. My guess is its a dead relay. Get some scrap wire and see if you put power directly to motor from your battery whether it fires, if it kicks over, then its either the relay ir you have a...
  17. motodevo

    Daytona 125 getting noisey after oil change

    I wouldn't run it until you can confirm you have oil flowing. From memory those daytona 125s have a seperate oil filter on the clutch case (underneath the smaller round cover plate on the clutch) . Did you swap or take out the oil filter? If so make sure it is not put in backwards as this will...
  18. motodevo

    Clutch problem

    You haven't got an inner rotor kit on it have you? The Inner Rotor kits are lighter than an outer rotor kit ignition system (that's why they rev up quicker) but losing weight on one side of the crank can make a crank unbalanced and put even more stress on the clutch. If you don't have an IRK ...
  19. motodevo

    Clutch problem

    So are you saying you have had 2 clutches have exploded like this? Were you revving it hard when it went bang? Like i said earlier primary clutch and big revs for prolonged periods dont mix. Is it ridden on a track or out in the bush? Secondary clutch motor is a good solution if your budget will...
  20. motodevo

    Clutch problem

    Im guessing its a 125cc or smaller. It has a crank mounted clutch or primary clutch, meaning the clutch speed matches the crank speed (ie if the motor is revving at 12,000 rpm then the clutch is also spinning at 12,000 rpm.), that's ALOT of stress for a clutch and can cause it to explode like...