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  1. motodevo

    Troublesome Ct110

    No that's your CDI box.
  2. motodevo

    Troublesome Ct110

    Part of your problem is definitely the dead battery, the headlight runs off AC from the motor but the ac also goes into a rectifier converting it to DC to charge the battery and run other lights, horn, etc. The old hondas run no regulator, its a "balanced" system, there's just enough load to...
  3. motodevo

    125cc Lifan on a Honda CT70

    Haven't done it but plenty of guys in the US use the dr atv rectifier/regulator that steps it down to 6v 6_VOLT REGULATOR RECTIFIER CONVERTS_12V CLONE_ENGINES TO_6_VOLT!! KEEP_ORIGINAL LIGHTS_BATTERY (6V_reg_rec) That being said, the horn will run on 12v fine and theres only like 7 bulbs you'd...
  4. motodevo

    Can't Identify Fuel Tank

    Is the outlet approx 10mm with fine thread (like 1.00mm ?). Looks like the outlet you get on a z50 tank. Measure it and i will measure a z50 one tonight and check the pitch of the thread with a pitch gauge. If it matches a z50, you can get a brand new TB parts one from Jaimie at Classichonda50s
  5. motodevo

    150cc Foxico Pit Bike

    The wheels on that monkey/cub are 12" wheels made for z50 hubs, aftermarket forks, the swingarm is the same as one i bought off webike for a z50 (its the cheapest aluminium z50 swingarm on webike, about 70-80 bucks mine was). Cant see any reason why it wouldn't be registerable. As for shocks...
  6. motodevo

    150cc Foxico Pit Bike

    Could always build it into a monkey cub style bike Just adding Dax or z50 forks and some dax or z50 wheels with fat rubber makes em look tuff as
  7. motodevo

    150cc Foxico Pit Bike

    Deathwheel time!
  8. motodevo

    150cc Foxico Pit Bike

    I hear ya. If it was easy we'd all be riding rego'd crf50s around the streets(i would be anyway)
  9. motodevo

    150cc Foxico Pit Bike

    Vic rec rego only requires a headlight, brake light, right hand mirror, front sprocket cover and chain guard, and not exceed 94db. Any bike can easily be made to obtain rec reg in Vic. The problem with getting full reg on a bike is even if it meets every possible requirement for full reg, it...
  10. motodevo

    150cc Foxico Pit Bike

  11. motodevo

    2008 Pitpro Lifan 125 Neutral start Compression problem

    The kicker drives through the clutch, I'm guessing you fried the clutch plates when you ran it low on oil (that would explain the smoke). When a clutch set up like this is slipping, you'll notice it most when kicking it over. Try adjusting the clutch first, if no joy then replace the clutch plates
  12. motodevo

    82 z50r build

    Looks good, should be a fun ride. Let us know how the hand rear brake goes
  13. motodevo

    LEM 50cc need help!!
  14. motodevo

    Sator plate change on 125 lifan.

    The spare wire at the stator is for a neutral light switch, just ignore. If you're testing it just like you have it all laid out in the photo, have you earthed the plug body (threaded section that screws into the head)? If still no joy, disconnect the kill switch so you can rule that out, black...
  15. motodevo

    Zongshen 140 other names? Need gasket set

    Pretty sure a lifan 140cc head gasket won't fit a zhonga, from memory a lifan is 55mm bore and the zhonga is 57mm. Have a look at your engine number, it should be something like IP57##$@!/&, if so it's a 57mm bore and you need a gasket that is 57mm(probably more likely to be closer to 58mm in...
  16. motodevo

    Need Help Identifying a late 70's Honda 50cc

    I had a scrambler horse tank that i gave the badges away to someone doing one up a few years ago but i had a photo of one still in my photobucket account. Heres what they look like Not the best pic, but it's all i got. Atleast it gives you an idea of what they look like. From memory i think...
  17. motodevo

    Atomik Nitrous 160 Pitbike

    Tell your mate to richen up the carb if the exhaust turns red, sounds like its running way lean
  18. motodevo

    Broken Bar Clamp NEED HELP

    Looks like the same clamp that pitsterpro xjr's have. PitsterPRO XJR50 Triple Tree Clamp Kit | Buy Online Australia at DHZ
  19. motodevo

    1988 Honda Z50R build.

    Yeah no probs, swing me a pm if you decide you wanna swap.
  20. motodevo

    1988 Honda Z50R build.

    This build just keeps getting better, keep up the good work. You're right about swingarms, most are too long although tb do a +3 (7.5cm) which is probably as close as you will find. Just be careful with those shocks, a few of the guys on MBOZ have had the bottom of the rfy shocks break when not...