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  1. W

    motard wheel setup

    Its weird, look at the data sheets for tyres and 12" should be run on something like 2.75 minimum but recommend 3.... 1.85 is WAY to small, almost half the recommended haha Oh, and yes, 601 not 101 :)
  2. W

    2008 Aus Titles Pics & Vids

    Hey spoon, did u notice more 125cc or 140cc bikes? Nice vid btw
  3. W

    motard wheel setup

    Dude, dont worry about the width all that much. Seeing as u got them off eBay, ur biggest problem is the crap tyres they will have. Ditch the tyres and get some bridegstone bt101
  4. W

    Oil Leak, Any one Have the same Problem?

    No need to justify why u have a certain bike mate, urs is just as good as any of the other china crap that is around. Look after it, service it and it will be as good as most. If you know where it is leaking from, replace the gasket and also seal it up with loctite gasket repair. Its a liquid...
  5. W

    My new pipe

    Damn man, that weld just under the muffler looks a bit ****. I guess thats the bit u had to modify? lol I wonder if 2.50 rim will fit, looks way to wide. Doesnt 2.50 mean it is 250mm wide? Would rub on the front forks
  6. W


    This info below is for Melbourne mini moto club ONLY. Victorian pocketbike association which race at dandenong use different (although similar) rules. Melbourne mini moto race @ south morang, port melbourne, ballarat and nxt yr possibly a extra track. As taken from the booklet downloadable...
  7. W

    radical new Mini-Motard on the market

    There is a pic of them on here somewhere.... if that is the bike that is in ur avatar. They look pretty cool. Not sure about parts backup though. Have fun, motard is awsomeness
  8. W

    Carby hitting frame

    Thats a great idea!, why didnt I think of that *slaps head* I will slot the holes and make up a gasket with gasket paper. Sorted. Cheers guys (tubes380) :)
  9. W

    Carby hitting frame

    I couldnt imagine having a crash with the carby pointing out the front would be good either... and yes it looks crap. Im sure someone has one of these frames with a lifan and probably a OKO 26mm carb too... can u dash out and have a look and see if it touches the frame and if not possibly why...
  10. W

    Can i put a 30mm carb o n my 125cc?

    30mm WILL work..... I have ridden with one... BUT... I def wouldnt do it.... its pointless as you need to restrict the carby (jet sizes) for the bike to run good. I wouldnt go bigger than 26mm but 28mm works equally as good if u tune it right
  11. W

    Carby hitting frame

    I have recently been building a tard.... with alot of headaches, but its been great fun along the way. I have run into a problem and im not sure which would be the best way to go around it. The problem is: Carby hitting the frame. When I move the carby so it doesnt hit the rame the top...
  12. W

    dook salad

    Hey 50's, I am doing the exact same thing as you. Even sprayed my frame white lol Anyways, I have a question. When you put your carby on did it hit the frame? Mine JUST hits the frame so I bought a 360 degree manifold adapter and now the accelerator cable sticking out the top of the carby hits...
  13. W

    will it fit

    Will fit easy. I have one in the same frame, no dramas. I think u only have clearance issues if u r fitting the engine to a chromolly frame (or whatever the name is of the DHZ frames)
  14. W

    Possible to back in a minimotard?

    Is that backing it in or just locking the rear wheel and moving your body? Looks like u have epoxy finish on your concrete slab which would make it nice and easy to lose grip. Nice bike btw
  15. W


    I just fitted a set of these 645mm to my bike. They look wicked and seem well made. Although clicking the adjuster to make them harder or firmer (for lack of a better term) doesnt seem to do squat. To be fair I havent actually ridden with them yet lol
  16. W

    Which forks fit into this frame?

    This is the frame I have. I need some forks for it. The frame is off DHZ 125cc bike.... DHZ seem to be ignoring my Emails :( Would any of the fastace range fit?.... also, as a cheaper alternative would any old USD china fork fit? eBay dont have any USD forks (other than fastace) for...
  17. W

    Kill Switch anyone

    Ahhhh.... u live in the stickz.... that explains everything....
  18. W

    Kill Switch anyone

    Goto dick smith and buy a switch.... the toggle switches fit right into the old plastic housing of the old one. Works a treat. cost me $3..... $18 + postage? lol
  19. W

    better quality pitpro 140xr or 125 BF?

    They arent the same... one is the XR and the other is not. Sifnt buy off eBay, save yourself a bucket load.
  20. W

    My VL Commodore project

    lol Arguing over which aussie built car is better than the other is like arguing over whos sh*t stinks less... Its still sh*t and it still stinks.