radical new Mini-Motard on the market

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Mar 10, 2008
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Hi Guys, just bought this new motard 110cc from a bike shop in castlehill in sydney, never seen anything like it before in a mini bike, goes like the wind, just wanna have somewhere to ride it, anyone know of a motard class in the sydney / NSW area i really wanna get involved.


Falcon :)
There is a pic of them on here somewhere.... if that is the bike that is in ur avatar. They look pretty cool. Not sure about parts backup though.

Have fun, motard is awsomeness
i have pics of her on my profile, seems the guy i bought it from is the importer so im pretty sure parts are no problem, hes been there for a while, i can give you the web site if you wanna have a look at the bikes.
looks pretty mad what you pay for it and whats thi link

anything more the 800 and i think it a rip off
the link is Recreational Imports P/L ::Home i paid $999 fully assembled ready to ride and after looking at its pricerange competitors dirt bike motard wanna be's its made "motard" pro taper bars etc, good parts its well worth a look. i cant fault it, they also do a dirt bike model but the motard model is what i wanted.
u guys asked me, just telling u what i paid and a link,
...., anyone know of a motard class in the sydney / NSW area i really wanna get involved.
yop ..sounds pretty like an add...anyway with this thing you will be the laughingstock at a motardrace:p
why dont you just give no_crf50_here a reach around "themountain" think outside the box oldschool, at least when you see me at an event u will know me, come say that to my face, or hide behind ur keyboard and have a love in with ur chums lol get a life
any chance of some more pics of your ride please mate?!? checked out the site and there is sweet FA on there..


Whats new on that thing?....pleeease!! Its one of the cheapest bikes available in china...so think how long it will last!!

Ill bet he won´t make it through the season with this POS
Only time will tell ... But why bag something out when you really don't know your self ? That is just ignorance which seems quite prolific on these forums at times.

The perception that price is indicative of quality is often a misnomer of the ignorant.
Ok, if you are going to to say that it looks cheap, please qualify your statement with your reasoning. I would say it looks different, yes, but cheap ? How so ?
wouldu like me to do an essay as well??

front forks, rear shock, handle bars, brake lines(rubber not bradied) tires, cheap motor that jst from a little look

would need to be there to say more about stuff like the metals use, if the plastics have any flex, the welds it has, frame streinghts but i would say they aslo would be poor.

but hay it is your money if u want to get one nd i dont relly care...:cool:
Well my learned friend ... I guess anything compared to your bike would seem inferior right ?

What you need to realise is everybody doesn't have a rich daddy to pander to their every whim. What may seem like a load of crap to you might be the most wonderfull thing in the world to someone else. Your stand on this issue is just snobbery at its best.

Nothing in the world is more dangerous than a sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.
hey "the mountain" if you were to no about the sport and truley love it you would be inviting people in to it not pushing them away because they dont have the best gear and maybe if somone was to give him a hand he would learn more about the sport and what to do with his bike.
aptitudex u are an tru ********....

yes i dont like one cheap bike now and im and snobby rich kid!!!! pmsl

there is heaps better bikes around that are 1k and walk a over it

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